Anoka County Truancy Referral User Request Form
Each person who will be submitting referrals needs to fill out and return the form to the email address
listed at the bottom of this page. Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial (if any) are required. Note: The
form only needs to be submitted if you are a new user to the Anoka Truancy Referral system, or if you
have changed schools.
Outages and other situations that may affect your ability to submit referrals will be broadcast on the My Home
Once this completed form is received in the County Attorney’s office, we will set up the user’s account
and forward instructions on using the Truancy Referral form. If you have any questions about account
set-up or submitting referrals, please call our Help Line at 763-324-5500, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m or send an email to RS-Atty-Tech@co.anoka.mn.us
Please return the completed form via email to Alexandria.Borowski@co.anoka.mn.us.
User information:
Last Name: ____________________ First Name: _________________ Middle Initial: _________
Title: ________________________________________________________
Preferred Salutation: __________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________
Name of School: _____________________________________________