Department of Taxation and Finance
Ofce of Real Property Tax Services
Application for Partial Tax Exemption for
Real Property of Senior Citizens
For help completing this application, see Form RP-467-I, Instructions for Form RP-467. You must le this application with your local
assessor by the taxable status date. Do not le this form with the Ofce of Real Property Tax Services.
New for 2019. This form no longer serves as the application for the Enhanced STAR exemption. This form may only be used to
apply for the partial tax exemption for real property of senior citizens. It may not be used to apply for the Enhanced STAR exemption,
which is a separate exemption.
To apply for the Enhanced STAR exemption, you must le Forms RP-425-E, Application for Enhanced STAR Exemption for
the 2019-2020 School Year, and RP-425-IVP, Supplement to Forms RP-425-E and RP-425-Rnw, with your assessor by taxable
status date. You may obtain those forms from your assessor or download them from www.tax.ny.gov. Note: If you do not already have
a STAR exemption you may not apply for a new STAR exemption, but you may be eligible for a STAR credit, which is provided in the
form of a check. For more information about the STAR credit, visit www.tax.ny.gov/STAR or call 518-457-2036.
Name(s) of owner(s)
Mailing address of owner(s)
(number and street or PO box) Location of property (street address)
City, village, or post ofce State ZIP code City, town, or village State ZIP code
Daytime contact number Evening contact number School district
E-mail address
Tax map number of section/block/lot: Property identication (see tax bill or assessment roll)
Name(s) of any non-owner spouse(s)
Address(es) of primary residence(s) if different from above:
1 Indicate which documents you included with this application as proof of age of owners (see instructions):
Driver license Birth certicate Other (specify)
2 Date you acquired ownership of property
(see instructions):
3 Indicate document included with application as proof of ownership
(see instructions):
Deed Other (specify)
4 Do all the owners of the property presently occupy the premises as their legal primary residence? ...................... Yes No
4a If the answer to 4 is No, is an owner receiving medical care as an in-patient in a residential
health care facility? ........................................................................................................................................ Yes No
4b If the answer to 4a is Yes, specify name and location of the facility:
4c If the answer to 4 is No, is the non-resident owner the spouse or former spouse of the resident owner? .... Yes No
4d If the answer to 4c is Yes, is he or she absent from the residence due to divorce, legal separation,or
abandonment? ........................................................................................................................................ Yes No
5 Is any portion of the property used for other than residential purposes (commercial, professional ofce, etc.)? ... Yes No
5a If answer is Yes, explain such use and describe the portion that is so used.