Please note that until further notice
all copies ordered using this form will
be despatched in paper form. When
email despatch becomes available, a
direction will appear on GOV.UK and
details will be given in practice guide
11: inspection and application for
official copy. Until there is a
direction, you do not need to
complete this panel to obtain an
official copy in paper format.
Place 'X' in the box if applicable.
Issue of official copies in paper format where an email address
has been supplied
If you have supplied an email address in panel 5, then, unless
you complete the box below, any official copy will be issued
electronically to that address, if there is a direction under section
100(4) of the Land Registration Act 2002 by the registrar covering
such issuing.
I have supplied an email address but require the official
copy(ies) to be issued in paper format instead of being
issued electronically
Applications specifying 'All', 'Any' or
such like, will be rejected.
I apply for official copies of the documents listed below
Documents which are referred to in the register of the above title
Title number
under which it
is filed
Please supply as much detail as
Documents which are not referred to in the register
Date of document,
if known
Signature of applicant:
If you dishonestly enter information or make a statement that you know is, or might be, untrue or misleading, and intend by
doing so to make a gain for yourself or another person, or to cause loss or the risk of loss to another person, you may commit
the offence of fraud under section 1 of the Fraud Act 2006, the maximum penalty for which is 10 years’ imprisonment or an
unlimited fine, or both.
Failure to complete this form with proper care may result in a loss of protection under the Land Registration Act 2002 if, as a
result, a mistake is made in the register.
Under section 66 of the Land Registration Act 2002 most documents (including this form) kept by the registrar relating to an
application to the registrar or referred to in the register are open to public inspection and copying. If you believe a document
contains prejudicial information, you may apply for that part of the document to be made exempt using Form EX1, under rule
136 of the Land Registration Rules 2003.
© Crown copyright (ref: LR/HO) 05/18
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