UPDATED: June 19, 2019
To request to audit a course. Auditing a course means that you will not earn college credit for the course and the course will not be included
in the calculation of your grade point average or enrollment status (full-time, part-time) for insurance, financial aid, or other purposes. This
form must be completed and turned into the Student Services Office by the last day to register/add classes, as noted on the Academic
Calendar. The tuition and fees for auditing a course are the same as those for taking the course for credit.
Student’s Name:_______________________________________ Lola Number: ________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Semester in which you wish to audit a course: Fall_______ Spring_______ Summer______
Program of Study:___________________________
List below the course(s) you wish to audit:
CRN# Subject Course Number Section # of Credits Days Time