To receive the full exemption, a claimant must complete and le this form with
the Assessor by February 15.
Organization Name and Mailing Address: (Make necessary corrections in ink to the printed
name and address.)
Last year your organization received the Welfare Exemption for all or part of the property your organization owns at the location listed above. To continue
receiving the exemption for the property you own at this location, you must complete, sign and return this claim form to the Assessor. A separate claim
form is required for each location. The Assessor may contact you for additional information.
A. If you no longer seek an exemption at this location, check here
, sign and return this form to the Assessor. Date Vacated: ________________
B. If your organization is dissolved and therefore no longer needs an Organizational Clearance Certicate, check here
C. Check, if changed within the last year: Mailing Address Organization Name
D. Does your organization have a valid Organizational Clearance Certicate (OCC) issued by the State Board of Equalization? Yes No
If yes, enter OCC No. and date issued
Property Location:
BOE-267-A (P1) REV. 20 (05-19)
20 ____
Property No.: Class:
YES NO Since January 1, last year:
1. Have any of the activities or use on any portion of the property that received an exemption last year changed? If yes, attach an explanation
of the change in activities or use.
2. Is any portion of this property being used for exempt purposes that was not being used in that manner last year?
3. Is any portion of this property vacant or unused? If yes, since (date) Area (sq.ft.)
4. Is any portion of this property used as a retail outlet or for other fundraising purposes? (Note: Thrift stores which are part of a planned,
formal rehabilitation program may be exempt if BOE-267-R is led with this claim.)
5. Is any portion of the property used for living quarters (other than transitional or emergency shelter, low-income housing or housing for the
elderly or handicapped listed under questions 6 or 7)? If yes, and you claim exemption for this portion, submit documentation including
the occupant's position or role in the organization including a statement indicating that the housing continues to be used for organization's
exempt purpose (see “Housing” on reverse) or, if living quarters associated with a rehabilitation program, submit BOE-267-R.
6. Is this property used as low-income housing? If yes, and the property is owned by a nonprot organization or eligible limited liability
company, submit BOE-267-L. If yes, and the property is owned by a limited partnership, submit BOE-267-L1.
7. Is this property used as housing for the elderly or handicapped? If yes, submit BOE-267-H unless care or services are provided or the
property is nanced by the federal government under, but not limited to, sections 202, 231, 236, or 811 of the Federal Public Laws.
8. Do other persons or organizations use any of this property? If yes, submit BOE-267-O if real property is used; for personal property attach
a list describing what is used, the name of the user, the amount received by claimant (if any) and a copy of the lease agreement if not
previously provided to the Assessor.
9. Did this or any portion of this property generate taxable “unrelated business taxable income,” as dened in section 512 of the Internal
Revenue Code? If yes, see “Unrelated Income” on the reverse.
10. Have the organization's income and/or expenses increased by more than 25 percent since last year? If yes, attach a copy of your most
recent and the prior year's complete nancial statements along with an explanation of increase.
11. Is there any equipment or property at this location that is leased or rented to the claimant? If yes, provide the owner's name and address
and a description of the property. This property may be taxable as it is not owned by the claimant.
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing and all information hereon, including
any accompanying statements or documents, is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Approved: ALL PART Denied Reason(s) for Denial:
( )
E. Have you amended the organization's formative documents (i.e., articles of incorporation, constitution, trust instrument, articles of organization) since
last year?
Yes No
If yes, please mail a copy of the amendment to the State Board of Equalization, County-Assessed Properties Division, P.O.
Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279-0064. Please include your OCC number. Note to Assessor’s Oce: If the organization is dissolved or the formative
documents were amended, please forward a copy of this page to the Board of Equalization.
Read the information on the reverse side before completing. All questions must be answered. If the answer to any question is “YES,” explain in an
attachment or complete the referenced form. Contact the Assessor if any forms referenced below are needed to complete this application.
Identify the property that your organization owns at this location:
Real property (land/buildings/improvements) Personal property
Taxable Possessory Interest
This organization owns rents/leases the real property at this location: