equest to Participate in Commencement without Having Met Degree Requirements
May only be used if:
1. The student is lacking no more than 6 credits of those required to complete the student’s degree program.
2. The student has two majors (or a major and a minor) and is lacking no more than 6 credits of those required to
mplete the student’s first major degree program. The student has progressed far enough in the second major or
the minor that it can be reasonably expected that s/he will graduate in the May or December term after th
ommencement Cerem
_____________________________ 900 -__ __ __- __ __ __ _________________________________
Students Name (Please Print) ASU Student ID# (fill in the six missing digits) Major(s)/Minor(s)
__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip
List detailed requirement(s) missing for graduation and in which major or minor:
Expected term of graduation: May December
Did you submit a graduation application to the Office of the Registrar for the above term? Yes No
• A graduation application for the appropriate term MUST be on file with the Office of the Registrar prior to submitting this
• Students must be registered for the remaining classes for the upcoming semester.
• Submission of this form does not mean that my request to participate has been granted. I will be informed in writing about the
status of my request by the Office of the Provost after my request has been evaluated. Such notification is normally made
only by e-mail to my ASU e-mail account, but may be made by U.S. mail to the address on the top of this form.
• I am allowed to participate in only one Commencement exercise per degree earned. If I participate in a Commencement
Ceremony preceding my degree conferral, I will not be allowed to participate in another Commencement Ceremony and my
name will not be listed in the next Ceremony’s program. Participation includes procession, having my name called, walking
across the stage, having my picture taken, and the recessional. My name will be in the Commencement program, provided my
form is processed before the program is finalized.
• If I am approved to participate in commencement and choose not to participate, I will notify registrar@asurams.edu in
writing three weeks prior to commencement.
• If, during the course of the semester, I no longer qualify to participate (e.g., by receiving W or F grades in courses I am
taking in current term, or by earning a GPA too low to graduate), my approval to participate will be revoked.
• I will not receive a diploma until I have met graduation requirements, and my transcript will not state I have graduated until I
have met graduation requirements.
• My Commencement participation request must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the graduation application
deadline (phone 229-500-4358, fax 229-500-4946). Late forms may not be processed.
Student Signature _______________________________ Date: _______________
Faculty Advisor Signature _______________________________ Date: _______________
Department Chair Signature _______________________________ Date: _______________
Dean Signature _______________________________
Date: _________________
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