A Free 5-Day Workshop for INTERIOR DESIGNERS
on How to Qualify, Quote, and Close High-End Clients
So Your Profits Are "Baked Into the Project"
W W W . D E S I G N E D F O R T H E C R E A T I V E M I N D . C O M
the Rolling in the Dough workshop where I
teach you how to qualify, quote, and close
high-end clients so your profits are
“baked into the project”.
I’m going to share with you the exact
process I use to convert prospects to
clients in 4 easy steps.
These steps are actually a disguise for a
sales / educational / interview channel that
I use to prequalify clients to determine if
we will work well together. Your goal in
each step is to move them to the next
step… all the way through to signing your
With this 4-step process you will set yourself
up as the expert in your market, and you’ll be
able to address the clients’ concerns before
they even raise them. Additionally, YOU will
have the opportunity to “interview” your
prospects before you agree to work with
them. Yes! You DO have the ability to accept
or decline clients.
I know that can be hard if you don’t feel like
you’re getting enough work but trust me,
Babe! Accepting a problematic client or
project, especially one with an insufficient
budget, will drive you batty and *literally*
block you from being able to get the work
you deserve. Keep an open mind and let me
show you how to get the best clients and the
best budgets!
With this concise process that you will
share with them - they will begin to
understand that you’re in control of the
entire design process, which will give them
the confidence that you will guide them each
step of the way, avoiding costly mistakes and
saving them time. They will even pay more
than they want, knowing they have the
professional (not the hobbyist) in charge!
After all, it is generally professionals who
hire you. I’ll show you how to meet them on
their level and make a great first impression.
Let’s get to work!
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1
Michelle Lynne
Is this a good ?
The overview of the project.
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 2
1. The key topics to cover on this call are:
2. The call should take no more than minutes.
3. Why do we not try to “sell” them into the next steps during this phone call?
4. What is an example of a red flag regarding timeline?
5. What is an example of a red flag regarding budget?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure.”
SESSION 1: February 7, 12pm CST
Ditch the Discovery Call:
Say Goodbye to Nightmare Clients!
Does the client have a ?
Do they have a budget in mind or do they
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 3
Head on over to the FB group and post your answer in the Homework Thread post.
Don’t be shy and comment on other answers as well!
Have questions? Need help? Send Hallie a DM and she’ll get you squared away!
What is ONE red flag that you have let slide by in the past and WHY will you no longer
take them on as a client?
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 4
The Virtual Meet & Greet is the that most designers
try to incorporate into their first phone call.
3. If the client tries to take control of the conversation from the beginning it is a red
because they need to and let you be the
- that’s why they called.
4. The key topics in the Meet & Greet are the:
SESSION 2: February 8, 12pm CST
Master The Meet & Greet:
Selling Your Prospect on the Value of Your Expertise
2. What are the 3 reasons your clients say yes to buying / hiring you:
The of the presentation.
Who you are / why your background the client.
The .
that show the client a sample of you deliver your designs.
continued on next page ...
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 5
Showing a graphic and explaining how your projects are and why it
“The power for creating a better future is
contained in the present moment.”
Services & associated to expect.
Your promise / commitment that they will love the outcome because you do so
much research in the beginning:
a. Questionnaires
c. Interview days
a. The design fee is .
The next steps.
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 6
What is ONE question that comes up often in your client interviews that makes you
nervous? Prepare a strong answer.
Head on over to the FB group and post your answer in the Homework Thread post.
Don’t be shy and comment on other answers as well!
Have questions? Need help? Send Hallie a DM and she’ll get you squared away!
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 7
People buy from people that they , , and 1.
SESSION 3: February 9, 12pm CST
Bake -in the Profits: How to Scope & Price a Project
2. The initial visit provide design solutions but may provide a “peek
behind the curtain” as to what you may suggest, so a is always
3. The purpose of the initial visit is to confirm what the client wants / described is
. The may need to be expanded in order to
provide the overall solution.
4. The best way to do this is to and .
5. While onsite, it is imperative to take general ,
, and either write or record your .
continued on next page ...
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 8
6. Allocate up to for the visit, depending on the project scope.
“Confidence is not a fixed personality trait.
It’s a muscle you build through exertion.”
7. The next visit their design, but rather you presenting
you will deliver, your , and a
8. The Scope of Work (SOW) includes all of your and .
The pricing is prepared & by and is an to
your Letter of Agreement.
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 9
How this process differs from what you are currently doing and what you believe will
be the benefits as you implement it?
Head on over to the FB group and post your answer in the Homework Thread post.
Don’t be shy and comment on other answers as well!
Have questions? Need help? Send Hallie a DM and she’ll get you squared away!
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 0
SESSION 4: February 10, 12pm CST
Make The Dough:
Present Your Proposal so They Sign on the Dotted Line!
1. Send confirmation emails and don’t forget to remind them to bring their
because your contract will be ready.
2. You may meet at your studio, your , or a favorite
showroom’s .
3. The details you can implement based on the responses in their initial questionnaire:
4. Review the key from your Meet & Greet.
5. Showcase a design that is with what their project entails.
continued on next page ...
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 1
6. Do / do not (circle one) lower your price to meet the client’s ideal budget.
a room (or two) and / or suggest .
7. Your estimated budget includes a between and
purchase pricing.
“Once you make a decision, the Universe
conspires to make it happen.”
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 2
Why should you include / repeat the key slides from your Meet & Greet in your Scope
of Work presentation slide deck?
Head on over to the FB group and post your answer in the Homework Thread post.
Don’t be shy and comment on other answers as well!
Have questions? Need help? Send Hallie a DM and she’ll get you squared away!
When you create in your client, providing them with 1.
and will increase the likelihood of your getting a signed contract.
2. By following the 4 steps we’ve covered so far, you have successfully educated
the client on the you provide, establishing your and
in the process, and determined if YOU want THEM.
3. After you have presented the slide deck AND your Scope of Work document,
you must line by line with the client. And
the unique clauses to our industry.
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 3
SESSION 5: February 11, 12pm CST
How to Rise:
Feel Confident Receiving More Money & Owning Your Badass Talent
“A year from now you will wish that you
started today.”
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 4
What is ONE thing you’ll do differently in the next week that aligns with where you
want to be?
Head on over to the FB group and post your answer in the Homework Thread post.
Don’t be shy and comment on other answers as well!
Have questions? Need help? Send Hallie a DM and she’ll get you squared away!
R O L L I N G I N T H E D O U G H P A G E 1 5
Q+A: February 12, 12pm CST
Live Q + A Session
Use this page to write down any questions you would like me to answer on our live call.
Your host, Interior Designer
and Business Coach
Your concierge and go-to for all
questions during our workshop.
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Meet the Team