Doctors con-
sulted in
the past
Have you ever had this or a similar condition before? Yes* No
* If “Yes,” give details including name, address and telephone number(s)
of doctor(s) and dates of treatments.
Family physician’s name
Address Telephone number
( )
List the names, addresses and telephone numbers of ALL other doctors you have consulted during the
past five years.
3 Declaration
Did you smoke during the 12 months prior to the date of hospitalization?
* If “Yes,” please specify:
Client’s signature
Yes* No
I understand that this declaration is a material
statement and the Company will rely upon its truth in
assessing the claim.
Date signed
Witness’s signature Date signed (DD/MM/YYYY)
All information requested will be for the purpose of processing and adjudicating your claims and will be treated as
To protect the confidentiality of this information, RBC Insurance
will establish a “Claim File” from which this
information will be used to process your claims.
Access to this file will be restricted to RBC Insurance’s employees, service providers and representatives who are
responsible for the investigation of claims and to any other person you authorize or who is authorized by law.
Your file is secured and will be kept in the offices of RBC Insurance and its service providers.
4 Authorization
I certify that the information in the form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that RBC Insurance, its service providers and representatives may investigate this claim.
I authorize any licensed physician, medical practitioner, health care professional, hospital, health care institution,
medical organization, clinic and any medically related facility, insurance company, the Medical Information Bureau,
corporation, organization, institution, association or person to release and exchange with RBC Insurance, its service
providers and representatives any medical or benefit payment information, or any other information or records that
may be requested by RBC Insurance, its service providers and representatives to establish or review the validity of
this claim.
I agree that a photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.
Client’s name
Client’s signature Date signed
Insured’s name (if different from above)
Insured’s signature Date signed
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