Permit No. (Office use only)
Postcode Telephone Number
(Please state N/A if you wish the permit to be non-vehicle specific/two reg. numbers can be on the permit)
Vehicle registration number
Start date of season ticket
Season ticket permits are valid for any outer car parks
Available for full-time (F/T) and part-time (P/T) for five hours a day
Please circle the required permit, the required days and state time required, if applying for a part-
time permit.
1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day Weekly
1 Month £13.00 £10.00 £30.00 £20.00 £50.00 £30.00 £60.00 £40.00 £70.00 £45.00
3 Month £35.00 £20.00 £80.00 £50.00 £110.00 £70.00 £150.00 £90.00 £170.00 £100.00
6 Month £65.00 £40.00 £140.00 £80.00 £200.00 £120.00 £270.00 £160.00 £300.00 £180.00
Annual £110.00 £70.00 £230.00 £140.00 £340.00 £200.00 £470.00 £280.00 £520.00 £310.00
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5-hour time from to
Please make cheques payable to "Fareham Borough Council"
Please send this application to: Parking Services, Fareham Borough Council, Civic Way,
Fareham PO16 7AZ
For enquiries please telephone 01329 236100 or e-mail parkingservices@fareham.gov.uk
Cancellation Policy; refunds will only be given for full unused months remaining on the permit.
Annual permits are refunded at the quarterly rate and quarterly permits are refunded at the
monthly rate a £10 administration charge will be applied in all cases
Data Processing Fair Processing Statement - Fareham Borough Council
The information that you provide is used to determine whether or not to grant a Season Ticket.
We have a duty to protect the public funds we administer and may use your information for the
prevention and detection of fraud. The information may also be used for auditing, monitoring,
statistical and other research. Some of the information we hold may be shared with other Council
or Government departments, agencies and similar organisations (including law enforcement
agencies) to enable them to perform their duties or for comparison purposes. The information we
hold about you is normally retained for seven years after the end of the licence period. For further
information about the National Fraud Initiative see www.fareham.gov.uk/dpnfi