4 Consideration by the monitoring officer
4.1 The Monitoring Officer will consider requests for a dispensation in the
order in which they are received having regard to the criteria set out in
paragraph 6.
4.2 In the case of a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, the Monitoring
Officer, after consultation with the Chairman of the Standards
Committee and the Independent Person, may grant a dispensation
if they consider that either
(a) without the dispensation the number of persons prohibited by
Section 31(4) Localism Act 2011 from participating in any
particular business would be so great a proportion of the body
transacting the business as to impede the transaction of the
business (i.e. the meeting would be inquorate); or
(b) without the dispensation each member of the Council's
executive would be prohibited by Section 31(4) Localism Act
2011 from participating in any particular business to be
transacted by the Council's executive.
4.3 The provisions of paragraph 4.2 shall also apply in the same way in the
case of an Ordinary Pecuniary Interest, subject to the substitution of “the
Code of Conduct” for “Section 31(4) Localism Act 2011” in that
4.4 The terms of any dispensation shall be in accordance with paragraph 7.
4.5 The Monitoring Officer will notify the Councillor of their decision and
reasons in writing at the earliest opportunity and in any event within 5
working days of the decision.
4.6 If the Monitoring Officer does not fully grant the dispensation requested by the
Councillor, they shall refer the request to the Standards Committee as soon as
is reasonably practicable.
5 Consideration by the standards committee
5.1 The Standards Committee will consider requests for a dispensation referred
by the Monitoring Officer in the order in which they were received by the
Monitoring Officer having regard to the criteria set out in paragraph 6.
5.2 Meetings of the Standards Committee will normally be open to the public
and any Councillor who has submitted a request will have the opportunity to
attend and make representations in support of their application.
5.3 In the case of a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, the Standards Committee
may grant a dispensation if they consider that