3. Show the building layout and the layout of proposed parking areas.
Show the proposed pedestrian walkways and sidewalks.
5. Provide the following information on a schedule or table on the exhibit:
a. gross area (acreage or square feet) of the property proposed for zoning change
b. gross area and floor area of each separate building and its percentage of the total property area
c. gross area of streets, sidewalks and other paved surfaces and its percentage of the total property area
d. gross area of open space and its percentage of the total property area
For residential uses (PUD, MD1, MD2, MD3,MD4, MF), indicate the number of dwelling units per acre
For residential uses (PUD, MD1, MD2, MD3, MD4, MF), indicate the number of each type of dwelling unit
(i.e. Single, Multi-Family, etc.)
C. Supporting Documents for Applications for PUD, SUP, or Other Zoning Change
STATEMENT OF PLANNING OBJECTIVES - Written statement of what is to be achieved in the development proposal for
this property. The statement should be prepared as a narrative description of the character of the proposed
development and rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant, including the use and
ownership of open spaces. This is the applicant’s opportunity to describe what they want to do with the property
and why. The applicant may also submit drawings, photographs, company information, etc. with the application.
DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE - Indicate the approximate date(s) when construction of the proposed development, and
subsequent stages or phases c
an be expected to begin and be completed, to the best of applicant's knowledge and
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION - Provide the following data in table or spreadsheet format: total square feet
of building area, estimated sales per square foot, estimated sales per
year, and estimated ad valorum taxes
per year.
D. Supporting Documents for PUD Applications
Drainage Analysis* – The applicant shall submit a Preliminary Drainage Analys
is to determine the need
for drainage facilities.
Site Plan – The Site Plan, which may be conceptual and
general in nature, but in sufficient detail appropriate for the
type of development being proposed and shall at a minimum include the following items, where applicable:
a. Proposed layout, indicating the approximate size and dimensions of all residential and non-residential
b. Proposed land uses and building locations
General elevation drawings of all non-residential structures indicating building height
Landscaping, lighting, fencing and screening of common areas
General locations of existing tree clusters
Location and construction type of perimeter fencing
Design of ingress and egress with description of any special pavement treatments
Calculations and location of off-street parking and loading facilities
Location and type of all commercial signage and lighting, including pole heights, for parking lots and
Location and description of subdivision signs and landscaping at entrance areas
Street names on all proposed streets
** Refer to the City of Bedford Development Code for detailed development standards.
*Please contact Public Works at 817-952-2200 for Drainage Analysis Requirements