Keith County Planning and Zoning Department
511 North Spruce St Room 209, Ogallala NE 69153
308-284-3556; Fax: 308-284-3508
This is an application for (x one):
Date submitted:
A change to the zoning map
Hearing Date:
A change to the zoning text
I (we) the undersigned request a hearing before the Keith County Planning Commission
concerning an amendment application within the unincorporated area of Keith County
for the use and location described below:
Proposed amendment: Rezoning from District to District.
Proposed Use:
Legal Description as obtained from the Keith County Assessor's office:
Vicinity map showing adjacent zoning and land use: (600' Urban; 2,500 Ag)
Owners of the area proposed for the zoning amendment:
Phone: Fax: Cell:
Signature of owner or authorized agent Date
For office use only:
Date application received:
Fee paid:
Application accepted by:
Application number assigned:
Please refer to the Keith County Zoning Regulations for additional submittal
information required along with this application.