You’ve Already Taken the First Step
to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
Now that you’ve been tested, here’s what to do next to protect the people you care about and your community.
About Contact Tracing
Be a hero. If you test positive for COVID-19, make sure people you’ve been around
recently for more than a few minutes stay safe. Some people call this contact tracing.
We call it your superpower in the face of this pandemic!
Here’s how you do it:
Make a list. Think of people you’ve spent time with over the past two weeks or so and
make a list. In case you test positive, you will already be prepared to take the first,
most urgent step: sharing this list with your local health department’s team to help
alert others who might be at risk.
Stay home. If you can, be in a room by yourself with the door closed and use your own
bathroom. Do your best to stay away from other people until you get your test result,
and to always wear a mask if you are near people.
Answer the call! If you test positive, you’ll get a phone call or text from a member of
the COVID-19 Community Outreach Team, who is from your local health department.
They will answer your questions, offer advice on taking care of yourself, and may be
able to connect you to available support such as delivery of groceries, medications,
and COVID-19 related supplies like masks and a thermometer.
Share. You’ll talk with a member of the COVID-19 Community Outreach Team about
the people you’ve been around recently. Then the COVID-19 Community Outreach
Team member will tell them they may have been close to someone who tested
positive for COVID-19. This is done condentially, which means they will not give your
name. They will also direct your close contacts to stay home, and provide them with
information on how to get tested. At no point during these conversations will you be
asked to provide your Social Security number, bank account or credit card information,
or immigration status.
Rest assured. The member of the COVID-19 Community Outreach Team will keep your
identity private. Your personal health information is also protected and not shared with
other government agencies – that’s the law.
You can help slow the spread of COVID-19. If you see your local health department or
NC Outreach (844-628-7223) appear on your phone, please answer the call to protect
your community and the people you care about. You may also call NC Outreach
(844-628-7223) to learn more about available support to stay healthy.
For more information visit