Registration & Change Form
Term: Fall Winter Spring Summer Year:
Student ID Number: G Date of Birth: Gender:
Street Apt # City State ZIP
1. Check here if this is a new address or phone 2. Check here if change of major:
Your enrollment with Portland Community College signifies your consent to, and acceptance of, all policies and procedures governing
your enrollment, including financial liability. If you fail to remit payment when due, you promise to pay to PCC all reasonable costs for
collections, including collection agency fees.
Instructor to Check All
Approved Overrides
Instructor Signature
Required for Overrides
Late Add
Department Approval
Add from Waitlist
Late Add
Department Approval
Add from Waitlist
Late Add
Department Approval
Add from Waitlist
Late Add
Department Approval
Add from Waitlist
Overrides: Late Add - Authorization to override the class limit or register AFTER the first class session. Department Approval - Student has passed
required departmental placement, testing, or screening. Waitlist Add - The student is on the waiting list and has instructor permission to
register for the class.
Instructor Signature
Required for Prerequisite Overrides
Students who have not met prerequisites for the course(s) listed in the Registration Adds section must receive authorization from the instructor(s) in order
to register. Complete the course information in the boxes above, obtain the instructor’s signature for each CRN, and return this from to any PCC
Admissions & Registration Office for processing. A signature in the Registration Adds section of this form is not enough to override prerequisites.
Instructor Signature
Required for Permission to Audit
Grading Options
You must select the type of grade you would like to
receive in each course you take. If you do not specify,
the default option for that course will be selected. Audit
requires the instructor’s signature in the space below.
For more information visit: www.pcc.edu/grades.
click to sign
click to edit