Dependency Override Appeal (DOA) Renewal AY: __________
You should submit this form only if you have had a Dependency Override
approved by Eastern Oregon University for the previous school year.
In the space provided below please summarize how or if your
circumstances have changed since your initial
Dependency Override Appeal (DOA) approval. At this time you are not required to submit any documentation
supporting these circumstances. The Review Committee will review your previous Dependency Override
documents in reference to the signed statement below and notify you if your appeal has been approved or
denied through your EOU E-mail account.
By signing this statement, you are attesting that the circumstances and documentation that led to your
previous Dependency Override approval have not changed. If necessary, you agree to provide further proof
of this information.
Student ID
Legal Name
Please submit to EOU FAO, One University Blvd., IH # 104, La Grande, OR 97850-2807 | (p) 541-962-3550 | (f) 541-962-3661 | (t) 541-972-3550
| | shortlink to secure upload: