❏ YES, I want to help transform lives at Sacramento State.
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred phone _______________________________ Email address __________________________________________________
❍ Cell ❍ Work ❍ Home
I am pleased to commit $ _______________ to _________________________________________________
(Designated program or fund)
Payment Information
❏ Enclosed is my check made payable to the University Foundation at Sacramento State.
❏ Please charge my credit card for the full amount: ❍ Visa ❍ MasterCard ❍ AmEx ❍ Discover
Card No. _____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________
Name on Card ____________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________
❏ I would like to make recurring gift payments over ___________ (months/years) through __________________________(date)
❍ My credit card ❍ Pledge reminders (for annual payments)
Recurring amount $ ______________________ Start date _____________________________________________________
Recurring frequency ❍ Monthly ❍ Quarterly ❍ Annually
Recurring credit card gifts: By choosing this option you have provided your credit card information above and are
agreeing to have your credit card charged for the frequency you indicate. Please initial that you agree to these terms _______
Donor Recognition
In recognition of my gift, please list my name as ____________________________________________________________________
in published reports and materials.
❍ I would like my gift to be made anonymously. ❍ My gift will be matched by my/my spouse’s employer.
Please return this form to Sacramento State, University Development, 6000 J Street, MS 6030, Sacramento, CA 95819
For information on Sacramento State payroll deductions or other questions:
Please contact the Development Oce at (916) 278-6989 or annualfund@csus.edu
You can also make your gift online at SacStateAlumni.com/giving
The University Foundation at Sacramento State is a 501(c)(3) organization and recognized auxiliary that serves as the philanthropic arm of the University.
All gifts in support of the goals, mission, and programs of the University are made through this foundation.
Thank you for your gift to Sacramento State!