XAS Project Proposal Form Attachment
Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
1. Project Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Anticipated Completion Date:__________________
2. Absorption Edge(s):
Edge ____________ Energy (eV) ____________ EXAFS XANEStest
Edge ____________ Energy (eV) ____________ EXAFS XANES
Edge ____________ Energy (eV) ____________ EXAFS XANES
Edge ____________ Energy (eV) ____________ EXAFS XANES
3. Method of Data Collection: Transmission Electron Yield Fluorescence
4. Describe the Sample(s)?
Number: _______
Form: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Amount: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Concentration (for each element to be measured): _______________________________________________________
Special handling requirements (e.g. air sensitive): _______________________________________________________
5. Standard/Reference Compounds (must be provided for each absorption edge):
6. Names of Project Participants to Collect Data:
NOTE: Experiments will involve 24 hr./day data collection.
NOTE: All participants must undergo safety training.
7. CAMD Contact: Has the feasibility of this project been discussed with a CAMD scientist(s)? _____ Yes _____ No
If yes, who? ______________________________________________
(please type or print)