Revised Spring 2015
Your appeal will not be considered without your initials to show you
have read and understand the following conditions.
By submitting this appeal, I certify that I have read and agree to the following. Initial on the line
following each statement:
• I understand that appeals turned in without supporting documents will be denied. ____
• I understand that I must attach a typed statement, explaining in detail the reason why I
failed to make Satisfactory Academic Progress and what circumstances have changed so
that I will be successful. ______
• I understand that handwritten appeals will be denied. _____
• Decisions on appeals are processed on a case-by-case basis. _____
• I have read the WCC SAP policy and understand why I am not making satisfactory
academic progress. _____
• I understand that my WCC transcript cannot serve as my supporting documentation.
• If approved, I will be expected to read, complete, sign, and comply with the SAP
agreement form (reinstatement letter) that will be sent to my student email. _____
• I understand that the decision is final and not subject to reconsideration by any party.
• I understand that I may have to provide more information to the financial aid office to
complete the processing of my aid application, even if this appeal is granted. _____
• I understand that even if my appeal is reinstated that I will not be eligible for student
loans until I am meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. ______
• I understand if I owe money to WCC as a result of Return of Funds, my appeal will not
be considered by the committee until the amount has been paid in full. _______