Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 1: The
Geography of Turkey
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. Most of Turkey is located on a peninsula called _______________
_______________ where the continents of Europe and Asia meet.
2. The part of Turkey that is west of the Bosporus is considered part of
__________________. The ___________________ of Turkey, however, is
located in Southwest Asia.
3. Turkey’s ___________________ between Europe and Asia means that Turkey
has been at the center of trade routes for thousands of years.
4. This region is generally ____________________ except for a narrow coastal
plain along the seas that it borders.
5. The _________________ Sea forms Turkey’s northern border and separates
Turkey from other countries, like Ukraine and ___________________.
6. The ______________________ Sea forms Turkey’s southern border and
separates it from Africa.
7. The final sea is the __________________ Sea, which is part of Turkey’s
western border with Greece.
8. There are several major __________________ in Turkey. Two of the most
important are the _____________________ and ___________________
9. The land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is known as Mesopotamia
and the __________________ ____________________. It was in this area that
ancient ____________________ began.
10. In addition to the rivers, Turkey has many __________________.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 1: The
Geography of Turkey
Guided Reading
11. The construction of dams along Turkey’s many rivers has led to the creation of
artificial lakes, or _______________________.
12. Turkey is also located on one of the most active ___________________ on
Earth’s surface. ___________________ are common in the region.
13. The coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas have a
_____________________ climate with hot, dry summers and cool, rainy
14. Because the interior of Turkey is mostly plateaus and mountains, the climate is
15. Currently, Turkey ranks 10th in the world for its variety of
_________________ and 28th in the world for its _____________________.
16. Like most industrialized countries, Turkey has air ____________________,
especially in urban areas.
17. Turkey’s waterways are being ____________________ from the dumping of
chemicals and detergents.
18. According to the Turkish ______________________, anyone who is a citizen
of Turkey is considered a “Turk,” regardless of race or religion.
19. Over 99 percent of Turkey’s population practices _________________,
specifically ________________ Islam.
20. ______________________ has a significant impact on where people live in
Turkey. Areas with the highest population densities are __________________
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 2: A
Brief History of Turkey
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. The nomadic ________________ arrived as raiding horsemen from the east in
the 11th century.
2. One group of Turks, the ____________________, grew in power, and by 1299,
they had established the ____________________ Empire.
3. The Ottomans took the city of _____________________ in 1453 and renamed
it Istanbul. From there, the Ottomans ruled until _____________.
4. The Ottoman Empire ended on October 30, 1918, when the Ottomans were
defeated and forced to sign the Mudros ___________________. The lands of
the Ottoman Empire were divided among the European winners of World War
I: __________________, France, Russia, and ___________________.
5. Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal, a _____________________ movement
6. On July 24, 1923, the leading European powers signed the Lausanne Peace
Treaty, which created an independent ____________________ country.
7. It was no surprise that Mustafa Kemal was elected as the first
__________________ of the Republic of Turkey.
8. His time in office was marked with wide-ranging __________________ that
included political, social, legal, economic, and cultural areas.
9. During World War II, Turkey tried to remain ___________________, but
eventually entered the war on the side of the Allies in 1945.
10. The people began to push for a true _____________________ in Turkey with
new political parties, equal voting rights, and direct elections.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 2: A
Brief History of Turkey
Guided Reading
11. One of the unique things about Turkey is that, even though it is 99 percent
__________________, the government is almost completely separate from
12. Recently, there has been an increase in __________________ and government
__________________ in Turkey.
13. On July 15, 2016, part of the Turkish __________________ tried to stage a
coup d’état and take control of the country. The coup __________________
when large numbers of Turkish __________________ took to the streets to stop
the military forces.
14. Turkey has also been involved with the ongoing ___________________ in
Southwest Asia.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 3: The
Government of Turkey
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. Turkey became a republic on October 29, 1923, with a _________________
2. Citizens age 18 and older are allowed to vote for _________________ and the
legislative branch.
3. Turkey’s government is based on a ________________________ that was
passed in November 1982.
4. In 2017, citizens voted to change the constitution and made the country a
__________________________ _________________________.
5. Citizens now vote _________________ for a president who serves as ________
head of government and head of state.
6. Before the change, the head of government was the ___________ __________,
who was chosen by the president from among members of ________________.
7. Turkey’s government is ___________________, which means there is a
separation between religion and government.
8. While Turkey has made progress in the rights of its citizens as part of their
efforts to join the ___________________ Union, there is still room for
9. The _____________________ branch of Turkey’s government
is made up of
the president and the cabinet.
10. The president serves as head of __________ and head of _________________
and is elected by the citizens for a _________-year term with a two-term limit.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 3: The
Government of Turkey
Guided Reading
11. The direct election of the president began in 2017 after a
___________________ ______________________.
12. Members of the ___________________ are appointed by the president.
13. Turkey’s legislative branch is made up of one house called the
___________________ _________________ _____________________ of
14. The main role of the ______________________ Court is to make sure laws
passed by the Grand National Assembly are constitutional.
15. The main purpose of the Court of ____________________ is to give a final
verdict after decisions made by lower courts are appealed.
16. The main purpose of the _________________ of State is to give a final ruling
in administrative issues.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 4: The
Economy of Turkey
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. Turkey leans toward a _________________ economy, but the government still
controls many aspects of the economy.
2. The government of Turkey has tried to put in place reforms that would
_________________ government control in industry, banking, transportation,
and communication.
3. Despite some progress with government-led economic reforms, Turkey’s
economy is still ___________________.
4. The main reason for this slowdown is the ___________________ demand for
Turkish goods in Europe, which is the main region to which Turkey exports
5. Throughout Turkey’s history, it has been at a ______________________ for
trade routes, which means that trade, especially ______________ trade, is very
important to Turkey.
6. Turkey encourages foreign _____________________ in all parts of its
7. Turkey’s many __________________ resources help its economy. One of the
most important natural resources is __________________ land.
8. Turkey is also able to create a lot of __________________________ from
dams on the Euphrates, Tigris, and other rivers in the country.
9. Finally, Turkey has a large deposit of natural __________________, like
marble, which is in high demand in the global economy.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 4: The
Economy of Turkey
Guided Reading
10. When Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the president of Turkey, he instituted
many __________________. Some of the most important reforms focused on
_____________________ in Turkey.
11. Turkey’s ____________________ sector is steadily expanding and increasing
12. In Turkey, for example, becoming an _________________________ can be
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 5: US-
Turkey Relations
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. The _____________________ between Turkey and the United States dates
back to 1831, when the relatively new United States ____________________
ties with the Ottoman Empire.
2. After the creation of the Republic of Turkey, the United States
______________________ ties in 1927.
3. After World War II, the United States and Turkey signed the
____________________ and Technical Cooperation agreement. This
agreement put into action the ___________________ Doctrine, which aimed at
supporting free people and ensuring they would not become
4. Turkey’s _____________________ within Southwest Asia has also made it an
important ally for the United States because it shares borders with
__________________, Iraq, and Iran.
5. The main focus of the alliance between the United States and Turkey is fighting
6. Turkey’s involvement in the fight against _________________ has been very
7. _______________________ fleeing war in Syria and Iraq come to Turkey
before trying to reach other destinations in Europe.
8. The United States wants to help Turkey create increased border
___________________, which would reduce terrorist attacks within Turkey.
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 7
Chapter 7: The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) Section 5: US-
Turkey Relations
Guided Reading
9. Finally, the United States provides support to the Turkish government to help
continue to improve their _______________________ and the freedoms and
rights of their citizens.
10. There have been several important developments in ___________________
relations between the United States and Turkey.
11. Turkey is involved in many different types of _____________________
organizations. It is an active and essential member of _________________.
12. Additionally, Turkey has been working to __________________ relationships
with its neighboring countries within Southwest Asia and nearby countries in
Central Asia and Africa as well.