Revised June 20, 2016
Workforce Development Center Registration Form
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Please indicate which of the following best describes
your level of education:
Please indicate if you are currently:
Graduate/Professional degree
Please indicate if your current or most recent
employment is/was:
Please indicate if your current or most recent employment
is/was temporary:
Please provide name of your current or most recent employer:
SMCC does not disclose, give, sell, or otherwise share demographic information about workforce education course participants to any entity other than the Mississippi
Community College Board (MCCB). MCCB requires the collection of this information for the confirmation process of workforce training and uses the information
strictly for tracking purposes to ensure continued program effectiveness. Your signature authorizes your company to release this information to SMCC.
Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex,
religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to
handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability
Support Services, 601-276-3885; Dr. Bill Ashley, Vice President for Student Affairs, Title IX Coordinator, and Director
of Athletics, 601-276-3717, 1156 College Dr., Summit, MS 39666.