FC Approval - FC Office use only
UKFS Management Plan Criteria Minimum Approval
yes no notes
Plan Objectives:
Forest management plans should state the objectives
of management and set out how an appropriate
balance between social, economic, and environmental
objectives will be achieved.
• Management plan objectives are stated.
• Consideration is given to environmental,
economic and social objectives relevant to the
vision for the woodland.
Forest context and important features in
management strategy:
Forest management plans should address the forest
context and the forest potential and demonstrate how
the relevant interests and issues have been considered
and addressed.
Management intentions communicated in
Sect. 6 of the management plan are in line
with stated objective(s) Sect. 2.
Management intentions should take account
• Relevant features and issues identified
within the woodland survey (Sect. 4)
• Any potential threats to and opportunities for
the woodland, as identified under woodland
protection (Sect. 5).
• Relevant comments received from
stakeholder engagement and documented in
Sect. 7.
Identification of designations within and
surrounding the site:
For designated areas, e.g. National Parks or SSSI,
particular account should be taken of landscape and
other sensitivities in the design of forests and forest
• Survey information (Sect. 4) identifies any
designations that impact on woodland
• Management intentions (Sect. 6) have taken
account of any designations.
Felling and restocking to improve forest structure
and diversity:
When planning felling and restocking, the design of
existing forests should be re-assessed and any
necessary changes made so that they meet UKFS
Forests should be designed to achieve a diverse
structure of habitat, species and ages of trees,
appropriate to the scale and context.
Forests characterised by a lack of diversity, due to
extensive areas of even-aged trees, should be
progressively restructured to achieve age class range.
• Felling and restocking proposals are
consistent with UKFS design principles (for
example scale and adjacency).
• Current diversity (structure, species, age
structure) of the woodland has been identified
through the survey (Sect. 4).
• Management intentions aim to improve /
maintain current diversity (structure, species,
and ages of trees).
Consultation on forest management plans and
proposals should be carried out according to forestry
authority procedures and, where required, the
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.
• Stakeholder engagement is in line with
current FC guidance and recorded in Sect. 7.
The minimum requirement is for statutory
consultation to take place, and this will be
carried out by the Forestry Commission.
• Plan authors undertake stakeholder
engagement (ref FC Ops Note 35) relevant to
the context and setting of the woodland.
Plan Update and Review:
Management of the forest should conform to the plan,
and the plan should be updated to ensure it is current
and relevant.
• A 5 year review period is stated on the 1st
page of the plan.
• Sect. 8 is completed with 1 indicator of
success per management objective.
Approved in Principle
This means the FC is happy with your plan; it meets UKFS requirements.
a) You can use it to support a CS-HT or other grant application.
b) You do not yet have a licence to undertake any tree felling in the plan.
Name (WO or FM) Date
This means FC is happy with your plan; it meets UKFS requirements, and we have also
approved a felling licence for any tree felling in the plan (where required).
Name (WO or FM) Date
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