Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
For the purposes of these questions, the following phrases or words have the following meanings: (Continued from Page 3.)
"Chemical Substances" is to be construed to include alcohol, drugs, or medications, including those taken pursuant to a valid prescription for
legitimate medical purposes and in accordance with the prescriber's direction, as well as those used illegally.
"Currently" does not mean on the day of, or even in the weeks or months preceding the completion of this application. Rather, it means recently
enough so that the use of drugs may have an ongoing impact on one's functioning as a licensee, or within the past two years.
"Illegal use of Controlled Dangerous Substances" means the use of controlled dangerous substances obtained illegally (e.g., heroin or cocaine) as
well as the use of controlled dangerous substances, which are not obtained pursuant to a valid prescription, or not taken in accordance with the
directions of a licensed health care practitioner.
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Do you have a medical condition, which in any way impairs or limits your ability to practice as a Physician Assistant
with reasonable skill and safety? If yes, please explain on an attached sheet.
Yes No
Does your use of chemical substance(s) in any way impair, or limit your ability to practice as a Physician Assistant with
reasonable skill and safety? If yes, please explain on an attached sheet.
Yes No
Are the limitations or impairments caused by your medical condition reduced or ameliorated because you receive
ongoing treatment (with or without medications) or participate in a monitoring program? If yes, please explain on an
attached sheet.
Yes No
Are the limitations or impairments caused by your medical condition reduced, or ameliorated because of the field of
practice, the setting, or the manner in which you have chosen to practice? If yes, please explain on an attached sheet.
Yes No
Have you ever been diagnosed as having, or have you ever been treated for pedophilia, exhibitionism, or voyeurism? If
yes, please explain on an attached sheet.
Yes No
Are you currently engaged in the illegal use of controlled dangerous substances?
Yes No
If yes, are you currently participating in a supervised rehabilitation program or professional assistance program, which
monitors you in order to assure that you are not engaging in the illegal use of controlled dangerous substances? If yes,
please explain on an attached sheet.
Yes No
I declare under penalty of law that I am (check one):
A citizen or national of the United States, or
A qualified alien or nonimmigrant lawfully present in the United States who is eligible to receive this professional license or credential as
defined in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996, as codified in 8 U.S.C. §1601 et. seq. (PRWORA).
For questions concerning PRWORA status, please contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland
Security at 1-800-375-5283 or online at http://www.uscis.gov.
Should my legal status change during the application process or after a credential is granted, I understand that I must report this change to the
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services immediately.
I understand that I have a continuing duty of disclosure during the application process. If information I have provided in this application becomes
invalid, incorrect, or outdated, I understand that I am obliged to provide any necessary information to ensure the information on my application
remains current, valid, and truthful. I understand that credentialing authorities may view acts of omission as dishonesty and that my duty of disclosure
during the application process exists until licensure is granted or denied.
I declare that I am the person referred to on this application and that all answers set forth are each and all strictly true in every respect. I understand
that failure to provide requested information, making any materially false statement and/or giving any materially false information in connection with
my application for a credential or for renewal or reinstatement of a credential may result in credential application processing delays; denial,
revocation, suspension, or limitation of my credential; or any combination thereof; or such other penalties as may be provided by law. I further
understand that if I am issued a credential, or renewal, or reinstatement thereof, failure to comply with the statutes and/or administrative code
provisions of the licensing authority will be cause of disciplinary action.
By signing below, I am signifying that I have read the above statements (Certification of Legal Status, Continuing Duty of Disclosure, and Affidavit
of Applicant) and understand the obligation I have as an applicant or credential-holder should information I have provided to the Department of
Safety and Professional Services change.
Applicant Signature: Date: / /
(Print and Sign Form)
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Wis. Stat. ch. 448 Page 4 of 4
Committed to Equal Opportunity in Employment and Licensing