Wisbech Town Council
Name of Organisation ................................................................................................................
Contact name ........................................... Position ...................................................................
Address .......................................................................................................................................
Tel. No ................................................... E-mail .........................................................................
Information about the organisation - what are its aims; who benefits from its work; how many
volunteers are involved; how often does it provide its service etc.
Amount requested from Wisbech Town Council
Is the grant is required for a specific project:
Total amount required for project
What will the grant be used for? (e.g. running costs, equipment etc. )
If successful, please give bank details for payment (to be made by BACS):
Account name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
SORT CODE Account number …………..………………………………………………………..
Signature of applicant ................................................ Date ................................
Please feel free to give any additional information in support of your application on a separate
sheet or with publicity material.
Grant a