Have you ever been denied issuance
of a license of have you ever had a license suspended or revoked? Yes No
Explain: _____________________________________
Have you ever had auto insurance withdrawn or revoked or have you ever been refused auto insurance? Yes No
If Yes, give details including reasons, names of companies, dates, etc. ________________________________________
Current Insurance Company (Name and Address) ________________________________________________________
Do you have, at minimum, limited liability auto coverage? Yes No
List all traffic accidents in which you were determined to be at fault, include the approximate date and location:
17. Subversive Organizations:
a. Are you now or have you ever advocated the overthrow of our constitutional form of government, or adopted the
policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny other persons their rights under
the Constitution of the United States or sought to alter the form of government of the United States by unconstitutional
means? Yes No
b. Are you now or have you ever bee
n a member of an organization that advocates the overthrow of our constitutional
form of government or approves the commission of acts of force (other than in self-defense or defense of others) or
violence? Yes No
c. Are you now or have you ever bee
n associated with any gang, club or other organization that is or has been involved
in any illegal conspiracy, drug trafficking, or other unlawful activity or criminal act? Yes No
[T.C.A. 40-35-121. Criminal Gang Off
enses – Enhanced Punishment – Procedure.
(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Criminal Gang” means a formal or informal on-going organization, association, or group consisting of
three (3) or more persons that has:
(a) As one (1) of its activities the commission of criminal acts; and
(b) Two (2) or more members who, individually or collectively, engage in or have engaged in a
pattern of criminal gang activity.]
If the answer to any of the above questions is Yes, describe the circumstances in detail on a separate sheet and
attach it to the application.
19. Equal Treatment:
The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to maintaining a work environment wi
thout discrimination on any basis
including, age, sex, color, race, creed, national origin, religious persuasion, marital status, political belief, military service,
or disability. As an employee of the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office, you would interact with other employees, inmates
and arrestees, and the general public. Is there any reason that you would be unable to refrain from unfavorable treatment
toward an individual on any prohibited basis including age, sex, color, race, creed, national origin, religious persuasion,
marital status, political beliefs, or disability? Yes No
If yes, please include an explanation on a separate sheet and attach it to this application.