Reading the ITEL report
The ITEL Roofing or Siding Evaluation report will be quickly returned to you by e-mail or fax as
noted on the form submitted with the sample. Reports are returned the next business day after
the sample arrives at ITEL.
1. Your information and the
insurance company (if applicable)
2. Identification of the original
roofing or siding and a supplier (if
product is still available).
3. If the original product is not
available, similar matches will be
listed along with a supplier. The
section will not appear if the
original product is available.
4. An analysis of your original
siding or roofing.
5. Additional information to help
you understand the results.
Attn John Homeowner
From: ITEL Laboratories, Inc.
Phone: 800-890-4835
Customer: OTHER Cust. ID: OTHER0001
Additional: Homeowner Rep: John Homeowner E mail/Fax: jhomeowner@ema
Date Invoiced: 7/16/2009 Date Received: 7/15/2009
Insured Name : John Homeowner Claim # : N/A
Loss Location: Anytown, MN 12345 Area Damaged: Front roof slope and separate garage north side
The original product is no longer manufactured
in the line King.
Brand/: NationalBrand Type: 3-Tab Standard
Line: King (Discontinued)
Warranty: 25 years
The original product appears to be the Nationa Brand King Fiberglass 3-Tab standard shingle. The product is no longer manufactured by
Similar matches were found.
10 miles away: SupplyCo (555) 555-123 Anytown, MN 1235
18 miles away: Roofs, Inc., (555) 555-0987 Anothertown, MN 12789
Manufacturer Info:
SimilarCo / www.sim / (800) 555-1357
Brand: SimilarCo Type: 3-Tab Standard
Warranty: 25 years
18 miles away: Roofs, Inc., (555) 555-0987 Anothertown, MN 12789
Manufacturer Info:
AnotherCo / / (800) 555-2 68
Brand: Another Co Roof Type: 3-Tab Standard
Warranty: 25 years
Comments: Based on deta led color granule comparison, the selections listed are the closest possible in overa l phys cal character stics and color
comparison to the original sample subm tted.
* Similarity Rating:
1= Excellent match in pattern, co or, and spec f cations (candidate for same slope repair).
2= Good match, pattern and spec fications exact or very close; color close (may be full elevation or non-adjacent slope replacement candidate).
3= Comparable specif cation match, no suitable repair match found (quality indicator for warranty determination only).
3-Tab Standard
• Installers should verify visual and dimens onal compatibility before purchasing and instal ing replacement products.
Have a question on these instructions?
Call ITEL Customer Service at 800-890-ITEL (4835), or e-mail
Purchase the matching roofing or siding
Contact the supplier(s) listed in the Original Product or Similar Match section of the ITEL report to
purchase replacement roofing or siding. The suppliers are listed based on geographic distance
from your home. ITEL does not receive a portion of the sale from any suppliers or retailers. You
may need to provide a copy of the report to a contractor, as some suppliers will only sell to roofing
or siding contractors.
Special color or remanufacturing programs may be available depending on the material submitted.
When applicable, custom and special programs will be noted on the report.
3. Find replacement material
report may have a different format then pictured above.