Checklist for Programs with Minors
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Have you completed the Program Registration/ Approval Form?
Has your VP/Dean approved the Program by signing the completed Program Registration/
Approval Form?
Have you submitted the approved Program Registration/ Approval Form to the Office of Risk &
Compliance at least forty five (45) days prior to the start date of the Program?
Do you have enough Program Staff to meet or exceed the Minor Supervision Ratio established
in Wilkes University Minors on Campus Policy?
Have you submitted a complete list of Program Staff to the Office of Risk & Compliance?
Have all Program Staff (including volunteers) passed a criminal background check within the
past three years?
Have all Program Staff (including volunteers) successfully completed United Educators' Online
Training "Sexual Misconduct: How Teachers and Other Educators Can Protect Our Minors"?
Have you reviewed the behavioral expectations of the Program Staff, including the following
“Codes of Conduct”:
Outlines abuse/molestation reporting requirements
Identifies the Program Director responsible for all Program Staff
Roster of Program Staff broken down by employees, students, and volunteers
Review any additional Program Staff to minor ratios based on activity
Being alone with a minor
Bathrooms and Locker rooms
After hours and off-site activities
Use of Program Staff’s home (including volunteers)
Use of personal vehicles
Use of physical restraint
Communication with minors
Sexual activities, remarks or materials
Tobacco, Drug and alcohol restrictions
Touching & restrictions
Supervision of any overnight programs (Curfews, Visitation, Free time, Facility use)
Have you submitted all required administrative forms associated with this program to the Office
of Risk & Compliance Management? (Waivers, permission slips, medical emergency forms, etc.)
Release of Liability Form
Media, Photo & Video Release Form
Medical Information and Release Form
Self-Administration of Prescription Medication Form
Certificate of Insurance (Non-University Sponsors only)