City of
Erosion Control and
Stormwater Management Requirements
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 1 Technical Standards
Technical Standards and
Precipitation Depth, Distribution and
Erosion Control Standards.........................................................................
Stormwater Management
3.01 Stormwater Management Considerations.................................................. 3-1
Erosion and Sediment Control
Stormwater Plan ........................................................................................
Stormwater Management Permit Application
Stormwater Management Permit
Construction Site Erosion Control Permit Application
Construction Site Erosion Control Permit
Sample Maintenance Agreement
Sample Financial Guarantee
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 1 Technical Standards
A. Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Technical Standards
All drainage facilities and practices required to comply with the Erosion Control and
Stormwater Management Ordinances shall incorporate technical standards and design
methods specified in this document, maintained and periodically updated by the Director of
Public Works. Where not superceded by stricter requirements in this document, the
following standards are also incorporated by reference:
1. Applicable design criteria, standards, and specifications identified in the
Wisconsin Construction Site Best Management Practice Handbook,
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Pub. WR-222, November
1993 Revision.
2. Other design guidance and technical standards identified or developed by the
DNR under subchapter V of chapter NR 151, Wisconsin. Administrative
3. DNR is required by recent rule revisions to develop technical standards to
provide guidance for measurement and evaluation of this performance
standard. Measurement and evaluation of this performance standard shall
be based on guidance published by the Department of Natural Resources.
Until such guidance is published, total suspended solids removal shall be
achieved to the maximum extent practical through implementation of
approved BMPs.
A. Precipitation Depths
The following references may be used as a source for design rainfall depths:
1. Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, US Department of Commerce,
Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 40, May 1961.
2. Huff, Floyd A., and Angel, James R., Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the Midwest,
Midwestern Climate Center, Bulletin 71, 1992.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 1 Technical Standards
B. Precipitation Distribution
1. Where Technical Paper No. 40 rainfall depths are used, they shall be used in
conjunction with the SCS Type II rainfall distribution for a 24-hour storm
duration. Technical Paper No. 40 rainfall depths shall not be allowed with
Huff rainfall distributions.
2. Where Bulletin 71 rainfall depths are used, they shall be used in conjunction
with the appropriate quartile Huff rainfall distribution for the storm duration
producing the highest peak discharge.
C. Average Annual Rainfall
1. For applications requiring use of average annual rainfall, recorded City
Madison depths for March 12 through December 2, 1981, shall be
A. Stormwater Runoff Calculations
1. For design of volume-dependent practices (detention basins, retention
basins, infiltration systems, etc.), a hydrograph-producing method hydrologic
model shall be developed. The following computer programs shall be
a. TR-55
b. TR-20
c. HEC-1
e. Other computer programs as allowed by the Director of Public Works
2. The Rational Method may be used to calculate peak discharges for tributary
areas less than 20 acres for purposes of conveyance system design.
3. Estimation of Required Storage Volume
a. Final detention basin sizing shall be based on hydrograph routing
through the basin with the proposed outlet structure.
b. The Soil Conservation Service TR-55 Approximate Method may be
utilized to calculate the required storage volume. This may be used
for developments with watershed areas of less than 25 acres which do
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 1 Technical Standards
not involve significant off-site drainage that must be passed through
the detention basin or routing of stormwater runoff through a series of
detention basins. Soil Conservation Service Type II rainfall shall be
utilized to estimate storage volume and peak inflow requirements.
4. Stormwater Conveyance System Design
a. Storm Sewers shall be designed in accordance with procedures
described in Procedures 13-25-35 through 13-25-45 of the Wisconsin
Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Facilities Design Manual
b. Ditches shall be designed in accordance with procedures described in
Procedures 13-30-5 through 13-30-10 of the WisDOT FDM.
c. Cross Culverts shall be designed in accordance with procedures
described in Procedure 13-15-10 of the WisDOT FDM.
A. Wet Detention Basins
Design in accordance with the Wet Detention Basin Conservation Practice Standard
(DNR), Section V.A.1, 2, 4-11 (Appendix A).
B. Dry Detention Basins
1. Minimum grades for the bottom of the basin shall be 2 percent unless
under drain is installed. If under drains are installed, the minimum grade shall
be 0.5 percent.
2. Basin side slopes shall not be steeper than 4:1 or flatter than 10:1.
3. Dry detention basins shall be designed to drain completely within 24 hours
after the storm event.
4. Forebays shall be used to the maximum extent practical to prevent
concentrated flow from entering the basin and allow sediment to settle prior
to entering the basin.
a. Forebay area should be 10 to 25 percent of the basins surface area.
b. Length to width ratio shall be at least 2:1.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 1 Technical Standards
c. The forebay shall be located opposite of the basins outlet to increase
detention time.
5. The basin shall be designed with an emergency spillway designed to convey
the 100-year peak discharge entering the basin.
6. The basin shall have a ponding depth of less than 10 feet, with at least 1 foot
of freeboard above the 100-year flood elevation or emergency spillway
elevation, whichever is higher.
7. The basin shape should be designed with a length to width ratio of 3:1 in
either a long narrow shape or a teardrop shape, to the maximum extent
8. The basin shall be seeded with vegetation that is tolerant of inundation.
9. The basin outlet structure shall discharge to a stable outlet.
C. Storm Sewers
1. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works, all storm sewer
in the public right-of-way (R/W) shall be constructed of reinforced concrete
pipe of appropriate class for the expected loading. Storm sewer materials
outside of the R/W shall be subject to approval of the Director of Public
2. The minimum allowable pipe diameter shall be 12 inches.
3. Sewer grades shall be designed so that, in general, a minimum of 2-foot
cover is maintained over the top of the pipe. Pipe cover less than the
minimum may be used upon site-specific approval by the Director of Public
Works. Uniform slopes shall be maintained between inlets, manholes and
inlet to manhole. Minimum and maximum allowable slopes shall be those
capable of producing velocities between 2 and 12 feet per second,
respectively, when the sewer is flowing full. Velocities lower than the
minimum or higher than the maximum may be used upon site-specific
approval by the Director of Public Works.
4. The maximum distance for overland flow of stormwater runoff to an
underground storm sewer system shall be 600 feet unless a longer distance
is approved by the Director of Public Works.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
5. All inlets and catch basins shall be constructed with a 12-inch sump.
D. Ditches
1. Ditch side slopes shall be no steeper than 4:1.
2. Under drains may be required for ditch grades of 0.75 percent or less.
3. Ditches and open channels shall be protected with erosion mat as necessary
to prevent erosion. The erosion mat shall be of an approved type and
application specified in the Erosion Control Product Acceptability List, most
current revision, by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
E. Culverts
1. Culverts and similar structures shall have a capacity that meets or exceeds
the capacity of the surface drainage way and shall be a minimum of 12 inches
in diameter. The flow line of a culvert shall match the flow line of the
surface drainage way.
2. Culvert pipe materials and cover requirements shall be the same as pipe
materials for storm sewers.
3. Culverts shall not create backwater that adversely impacts upstream
properties. Design of new culverts shall consider impacts of future upstream
4. End sections shall be provided for all culverts. Grates shall be required on
end sections for all culverts greater than 18 inches in diameter.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
A. Total Suspended Solids Removal Goals
1. The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall include best management
practices (BMPs) that, by design, achieve to the maximum extent practicable,
a reduction of 80 percent of the sediment load carried in runoff based on an
average annual rainfall, as compared with no sediment or erosion controls
until the construction site has undergone final stabilization. An 80 percent
sediment reduction shall meet the requirement of this paragraph. Erosion
and sediment control BMPs may be used alone or in combination to meet the
requirements of this paragraph. Credit toward meeting the sediment
reduction may be given for limiting the duration or area, or both, of
land-disturbing construction activity.
2. If BMPs cannot be designed and implemented to reduce the sediment load
by 80 percent, based on an average annual rainfall, the plan shall include a
written and site-specific explanation as to why the 80 percent reduction goal
is not attainable, and the sediment load shall be reduced to the maximum
extent practicable.
3. DNR is required by recent rule revisions to develop technical standards to
provide guidance for measurement and evaluation of this performance
standard. Measurement and evaluation of this performance standard shall
be based on guidance published by the Department of Natural Resources.
Until such guidance is published, total suspended solids removal shall be
achieved to the maximum extent practical through implementation of
approved BMPs.
B. Required Best Management Practices
Where appropriate, the plan shall include sediment controls to do all of the following to the
maximum extent practicable:
1. Each site shall provide an access drive and parking area of sufficient
dimensions and design, surfaced with a material that will prevent erosion and
minimize tracking or washing of soil onto public or private roadways. All non
paved access drives shall be designed so that stormwater runoff from adjacent
areas does not flow down the drive surface.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
2. Any significant amount of runoff from upslope land area, rooftops, or other
surfaces that drain across the proposed land disturbance shall be diverted
around the disturbed area, if practical. Any diversion of upslope runoff shall
be done in a manner that prevents erosion of the flow path and the outlet.
3. Any cuts and fills shall be planned and constructed to minimize the length
and steepness of slope and stabilized in accordance with the approved
erosion control plan timelines and standards of this document.
4. Open channels shall be stabilized as required to prevent erosion.
5. Inlets to storm drains, culverts, and other stormwater conveyance systems
shall be protected from siltation until final site stabilization.
6. Water pumped from the site shall be treated by temporary sedimentation
basins or other appropriate controls designed for the highest dewatering
pumping rate. Water may not be discharged in a manner that causes erosion
of the site or receiving channels.
7. All waste and unused building materials shall be properly disposed of and not
allowed to be carried by runoff into a receiving channel or storm sewer
8. All off-site sediment deposits occurring as a result of a storm event shall be
cleaned up by the end of the next workday. All other off-site sediment
deposits occurring as a result of land-disturbing activities shall be cleaned up
by the end of the workday. Flushing may not be used unless the sediment
will be controlled by a filter fabric barrier, sediment trap, sediment basin, or
9. All activities on the site shall be conducted in a logical sequence to minimize
the area of bare soil exposed at one time. Existing vegetation shall be
maintained as long as possible.
10. Soil stockpiles shall be located no closer than 25 feet from lakes, streams,
wetlands, ditches, drainage ways, or roadway drainage systems. Stockpiles
shall be stabilized by mulching, vegetative cover, tarps, or other means if
remaining 20 days or more.
11. For any disturbed area that remains inactive for greater than 7 working days,
or where grading work extends beyond annual permanent seeding deadlines,
the City of Whitewater may require the site to be treated with temporary
stabilization measures.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
12. When the disturbed area has been stabilized by permanent vegetation or
other means, temporary BMPs such as silt fences, straw bales, and sediment
traps shall be removed and these areas stabilized.
A. Total Suspended Solids
1. BMPs shall be designed, installed, and maintained to control total suspended
solids carried in runoff from the post construction site as follows:
a. For new development, by design, reduce to the maximum extent
practicable, the total suspended solids load by 80 percent, based on
the average annual rainfall, as compared to no runoff management
controls. An 80 percent total suspended solids reduction shall meet
the requirements of this subdivision.
b. For redevelopment sites one acre or larger, by design, reduce to the
maximum extent practicable, the total suspended solids load by 40
percent, based on the average annual rainfall, as compared to no
runoff management controls. A 40 percent total suspended solids
reduction shall meet the requirements of this subdivision.
c. Notwithstanding items a. and b. if the design cannot achieve the
applicable total suspended solids reduction specified, the stormwater
management plan shall include a written and site-specific explanation
why that level of reduction is not attained, and the total suspended
solids load shall be reduced to the maximum extent practicable.
d. Measurement and evaluation of this standard shall be based on
guidance published by the DNR. In the absence of such guidance,
total suspended solids removal shall be achieved to the maximum
extent practical through implementation of approved BMPs.
B. Peak Discharge
1. By design, BMPs shall be employed to maintain or reduce the peak runoff
discharge rates, to the maximum extent practicable, as compared to pre-
development conditions for the 2- through 100-year design storm applicable
to the development site.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Hydrologic Soil Group
Runoff Curve Number
Table 2.02-1 Maximum predevelopment Runoff Curve Numbers for Cropland
2. Predevelopment conditions shall assume good hydrologic conditions for
appropriate land covers as identified in TR-55 or an equivalent methodology.
The meaning of hydrologic soil group and runoff curve number are as
determined in TR-55. However, when predevelopment land cover is
cropland, rather than using TR-55 values for cropland, the runoff curve
numbers in Table 2.02-1 shall be used.
C. Runoff Volume
At locations where site conditions permit and where technically feasible, infiltration of
stormwater to reduce the volume of runoff may be required. If stormwater infiltration can
be demonstrated, the reduced volume may be taken into account when designing practices
to meet the peak flow control and pollution control requirements of this ordinance.
Where applicable, evaluation of the need for, appropriateness of, and required volume of
infiltration shall be based on the most current DNR rules and technical standards.
Infiltration shall not be permitted at locations specifically excluded in the DNR rules.
D. Oil and Grease
Fueling and vehicle maintenance areas shall have BMPs designed, installed, and
maintained to reduce petroleum within runoff so that the runoff that leaves the site contains
no visible petroleum sheen.
E. Protective Areas
1. A vegetated protective area with the width measured horizontally, specified in
Table 2.02-2, shall be provided from the top of the channel (per definition in
Section 5) of lakes, streams, and rivers or the delineated boundary of
2. Impervious surfaces shall be kept out of the protective area unless
impractical, with consideration of the planned use. The stormwater
management plan shall contain a written site-specific explanation for any
parts of the protective area that are disturbed during construction.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Type of Resource Protective Area
Outstanding and Exceptional Resource Waters 75 feet
Perennial/Intermittent Streams per USGS Map 50 feet
Lakes and Wetlands 50 feet
Other Waterways with Drainage Areas > 130 ac 10 feet
Table 2.02-2 Types of Resources and Protective areas
3. Where land-disturbing construction activity occurs within a protective area,
and where no impervious surface is present, adequate sod or self-sustaining
vegetative cover of 70 percent or greater shall be established and
maintained. The adequate sod or self-sustaining vegetative cover shall be
sufficient to provide for bank stability, maintenance of fish habitat, and
filtering of pollutants from upslope overland flow areas under sheet flow
conditions. Non vegetative materials, such as rock riprap, may be employed
on the bank as necessary to prevent erosion, such as on steep slopes or
where high velocity flows occur.
In selecting the vegetative cover for the protective area, existing natural
vegetative cover shall be left undisturbed, to the maximum extent practical.
Where existing vegetative cover must be disturbed, consider re-vegetating the
protective area with native plantings, where feasible.
4. Best management practices such as filter strips, swales, or wet detention
basins that are designed to control pollutants from nonpoint sources may be
located in the protective area.
5. The protective area requirement does not apply to:
a. Redevelopment sites.
b. In-fill development areas less than 5 acres.
c. Structures that cross or access surface waters such as boat landings,
bridges, and culverts.
d. Structures constructed in accordance with s. 59.692(1v), Wis. Stats.
e. Post construction sites from which runoff does not enter the surface
water, except to the extent that vegetative ground cover is necessary
to maintain bank stability.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
6. Stormwater Conveyance Systems
a. Storm Sewers shall be designed to convey the peak discharge for a
10-year frequency storm event.
b. Cross culverts shall be designed to convey the peak discharge for a
25-year frequency storm event.
c. Ditches shall be designed to convey the peak discharge for a 25-year
frequency storm event.
d. All conveyance systems shall be designed to safely pass the 100-year
storm flow without damage to adjacent structures. Unless waived by the
City of Whitewater, all new structures shall be constructed at least 2 feet
higher than the estimated 100-year overflow elevation.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
A. All concentrated stormwater discharges leaving a site must be conveyed into an
existing channel, storm sewer, or overland flow path with adequate downstream
stormwater capacity and shall not result in increased flood hazard, erosion, or other
adverse impacts.
B. Natural topography and land cover features such as natural swales, natural
depressions, native soil infiltrating capacity, and natural groundwater recharge areas
shall be preserved and used, to the extent possible, to meet the requirements of this
C. Emergency overland flow for all stormwater facilities shall be provided to prevent
exceeding the safe capacity of downstream drainage facilities and prevent
endangerment of downstream property or public safety.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
Submittal requirements for Erosion and Sediment Control Plans are summarized below.
The Director of Public Works may waive a portion of these submittal requirements where
such information is not necessary to demonstrate compliance with the ordinance.
A. Responsible Party and Legal Description
1. Name, address, and telephone number for the following or their designees:
landowner; developer; project engineer for practice design and certification;
person(s) responsible for installation of stormwater management practices;
and person(s) responsible for maintenance of stormwater management
practices prior to the transfer, if any, of maintenance responsibility to another
2. A site location map and proper legal description of the property proposed to
be developed, referenced to the US Public Land Survey system or to block
and lot numbers within a recorded land subdivision plat.
B. Predevelopment Site Conditions Mapping
1. A USGS Quadrangle or other appropriate map showing the project location
and nearby regional water resources potentially impacted by the project.
2. A copy of the applicable Soils Survey Map showing predominant soil types
and hydrologic soil groups.
3. Mapping or description of existing cover type and condition.
4. A pre-developed conditions site map including the following information
described below. Mapping shall include enough of the contiguous properties
to show runoff patterns onto, through, and from the site.
a. Existing topographic contours of the site at a contour interval not to
exceed 2 feet.
b. Property lines.
c. Existing flow paths and direction across the site.
d. Outlet locations identifying where stormwater drainage leaves the
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
e. Drainage basin divides and subdivides to all outlet locations where
stormwater drainage leaves the property.
f. Existing drainage structures on and adjacent to the site.
g. Watercourses that may affect or be affected by runoff from the site.
h. Lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, and other watercourses
on and immediately adjacent to the site.
i. Limits of the 100-year
Proposed Site Grading and Erosion Control Plan
A Site Grading and Erosion Control Plan shall be provided that includes the
following items. The plan shall be at an appropriate scale for the size of the
1. Boundaries of the construction site.
2. Drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading
3. Areas of soil disturbance.
4. Location of major structural and nonstructural controls identified in the plan.
a. Location of areas where stabilization practices will be employed.
b. Areas which will be vegetated following construction.
5. Extent of wetland acreage on the site and locations where stormwater is
discharged to a surface water or wetland.
D. Calculations
Calculations shall be provided including computer modeling input and output files,
as needed, to demonstrate compliance with ordinance performance standards. All
major assumptions used in developing input parameters shall be clearly stated. The
drainage basin areas used in making the calculations shall be clearly cross-
referenced to the required map(s).
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
E. Narrative
A narrative description of the proposed Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be
provided, including the following:
1. Name of the immediate named receiving water from the United States
Geological Service 7.5 minute series topographic maps, as well as locations
of all surface waters and wetlands within one mile of the construction site.
2. A description of the site and the nature of the construction activity.
3. A sequence of construction of the development site, including stripping and
clearing; rough grading; construction of utilities, infrastructure, and buildings;
and final grading and landscaping. Sequencing shall identify the expected
date on which clearing will begin, the estimated duration of exposure of
cleared areas, areas of clearing, installation of temporary erosion and
sediment control measures, and establishment of permanent vegetation.
4. Estimates of the total area of the site and the total area of the site that is
expected to be disturbed by construction activities.
5. Estimates, including calculations, if any, of the runoff coefficient of the site
before and after construction activities are completed.
6. A description of appropriate controls and measures that will be performed at
the site to prevent pollutants from reaching waters of the state. The plan
shall clearly describe the appropriate control measures for each major
activity and the timing during the construction process that the measures will
be implemented. The description of erosion controls shall include, when
appropriate, the following minimum requirements:
a. Description of interim and permanent stabilization practices, including
a practice implementation schedule. Site plans shall ensure that
existing vegetation is preserved where attainable and that disturbed
portions of the site are stabilized.
b. Description of structural practices to divert flow away from exposed
soils, store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of
pollutants from the site. Unless otherwise specifically approved in
writing by the City of Whitewater, structural measures shall be
installed on upland soils.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
c. Descriptions of any other practices proposed to meet requirements of
the ordinance and prevent erosion from the site.
Submittal requirements for Stormwater Management Plans are summarized below. The
Director of Public Works may waive a portion of these submittal requirements where such
information is not necessary to demonstrate compliance with the ordinance.
A. Responsible Party and Legal Description
The stormwater management plan required under S.08 (1) should contain, at a minimum,
the following information:
1. Name, address, and telephone number for the following or their designees:
landowner; developer; project engineer for practice design and certification;
person(s) responsible for installation of stormwater management practices;
and person(s) responsible for maintenance of stormwater management
practices prior to the transfer, if any, of maintenance responsibility to another
2. A proper legal description of the property proposed to be developed,
referenced to the U.S. Public Land Survey system or to block and lot
numbers within a recorded land subdivision plat.
B. Predevelopment Site Conditions Mapping
1. A USGS Quadrangle or other appropriate map showing the project location
and nearby regional water resources potentially impacted by the project.
2. A copy of the applicable Soils Survey Map showing predominant soil types
and hydrologic soil groups.
3. Mapping or description of existing cover type and condition.
4. A pre-developed conditions site map including the following information
described below. Mapping shall include enough of the contiguous properties
to show runoff patterns onto, through, and from the site:
a. Existing topographic contours of the site at a contour interval not to
exceed 2 feet.
b. Property
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
c. Existing flow paths and direction across the site.
d. Outlet locations identifying where stormwater drainage leaves the
e. Drainage basin divides and subdivides to all outlet locations where
stormwater drainage leaves the property.
f. Existing drainage structures on and adjacent to the site.
g. Watercourses that may affect or be affected by runoff from the site.
h. Lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, and other watercourses
on and immediately adjacent to the site.
i. Limits of the 100-year floodplain.
j. Location of wells and wellhead protection areas covering the project
area and delineated pursuant to s. NR 811.16, Wis. Adm. Code.
C. Post development Site Conditions Mapping
1. Proposed pervious areas including vegetative cover type and condition.
2. Proposed impervious surfaces including all buildings, structures, and
3. Proposed topographic contours of the site at a scale not to exceed one foot.
4. Proposed drainage network including enough of the contiguous properties to
show runoff patterns onto, through, and from the site; locations and
dimensions of drainage easements.
5. Locations of maintenance easements specified in the maintenance
6. Flow path and direction for all stormwater conveyance sections.
7. Location and type of all stormwater management conveyance and treatment
practices, including the on-site and off-site tributary drainage area.
8. Location and type of conveyance system that will carry runoff from the
drainage and treatment practices to the nearest adequate outlet such as a
curbed street, storm drain, or natural drainage way.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 4 Submittal Requirements
9. Proposed drainage divides and subdivides identified to each outlet location
where stormwater will discharge from the proposed development site.
D. Detailed Drawings
Detailed drawings including cross sections and profiles of all permanent stormwater
conveyance and treatment practices.
E. Calculations
Calculations, including computer modeling input and output files, as needed to demonstrate
compliance with ordinance performance standards. All major assumptions used in
developing input parameters shall be clearly stated. The drainage basin areas used in
making the calculations shall be clearly cross-referenced to the required map(s).
F. Narrative
A narrative including, at a minimum, the following:
1. A description of methodologies and major assumptions used in developing
hydrologic and hydraulic analyses.
2. A summary of analysis results and conclusions that shall include the
a. Tables summarizing pre-developed and post developed
hydrologic parameters for each drainage basin. Tables shall include
sub basin areas, runoff curve numbers, impervious areas, and
times of concentration for pre-developed and post developed
b. Tables summarizing peak discharge rates for the 2-year, 5-year, 10-
year, 25-year, and 100-year storm events for pre-developed, post-
developed without practices, and post developed with practices
3. Explanation of the provisions to preserve and use natural topography and
land cover features to minimize changes in peak flow runoff rates and
volumes to surface waters and wetlands.
4. Explanation of any restrictions on stormwater management measures in the
development area imposed by wellhead protection plans and ordinances.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 5 Definitions
5. Results of investigations of soils and groundwater required for the placement
and design of stormwater management measures.
6. A description and installation schedule for the stormwater management
practices needed to meet the performance standards in S.07.
7. A maintenance plan developed for the life of each stormwater management
practice including the required maintenance activities and maintenance
activity schedule.
8. Cost estimates for the construction, operation, and maintenance of each
stormwater management practice.
9. Other information requested in writing by the City of Whitewater to determine
compliance of the proposed stormwater management measures with the
provisions of this ordinance.
G. Certification of Site Investigations, Plans, Designs, Computations, and Drawings
All site investigations, plans, designs, computations, and drawings shall be certified by a
Wisconsin-licensed professional engineer to be prepared in accordance with accepted
engineering practice and requirements of the ordinance.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 5 Definitions
1) “Agricultural facilities and practices has the meaning given in s. 281.16, Wis.
2) “Average annual rainfall” means a calendar year of precipitation, excluding snow,
which is considered typical.
3) “Best management practice” or “BMP” means structural or non-structural measures,
practices, techniques or devices employed to avoid or minimize sediment or pollutants
carried in runoff to waters of the state.
4) “Business day means a day the office of the Director of Public Works is routinely and
customarily open for business.
5) “Cease and desist order means a court-issued order to halt land disturbing
construction activity that is being conducted without the required permit.
6) “Combined sewer system” means a system for conveying both sanitary sewage and
stormwater runoff.
7) “Connected imperviousness" means an impervious surface that is directly connected
to a separate storm sewer or water of the state via an impervious flow path.
8) “Construction Site” means an area upon which one or more land disturbing
construction activities occur, including areas that are part of a larger common plan of
development or sale where multiple separate and distinct land disturbing
activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules but under one
9) “Design storm means a hypothetical discrete rainstorm characterized by a specific
duration, temporal distribution, rainfall intensity, return frequency, and total depth of
10) “Development” means residential, commercial, industrial or institutional land uses and
associated roads.
11) “Director of Public Works” means the City of Whitewater Director of Public Works or
12) “Division of land” means either a major subdivision or minor subdivision, as defined
Chapter 18, Land Division and Subdivision.
13) “Effective infiltration area” means the area of the infiltration system that is used to
infiltrate runoff and does not include the area used for site access, berms or
14) “Erosion” means the process by which the land’s surface is worn away by the action of
wind, water, ice or gravity.
15) "Exceptional resource waters" means waters listed in s. NR 102.11, Wis. Adm.
16) “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction” means Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as defined by
18.04.020 of the City of Whitewater Subdivision Ordinance.
17) "Final stabilization" means that all land disturbing construction activities at the
construction site have been completed and that a uniform, perennial, vegetative cover
has been established, with a density of at least 70% of the cover, for the unpaved areas
and areas not covered by permanent structures, or employment of equivalent permanent
stabilization measures.
18) “Financial guarantee” means a performance bond, maintenance bond, surety bond,
irrevocable letter of credit, or similar guarantees submitted to the Director of Public
Works by the responsible party to assure that requirements of the ordinance are carried
out in compliance with the stormwater management plan.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 5 Definitions
19) “Governing body means town board of supervisors, county board of supervisors, city
council, village board of trustees or village council.
20) “Impervious surface” means an area that releases as runoff all or a large portion of the
precipitation that falls on it, except for frozen soil. Rooftops, sidewalks, driveways,
parking lots and streets are examples of areas that typically are impervious.
“In-fill area means an undeveloped area of land located within existing
Infiltration means the entry of precipitation or runoff into or through the soil.
Infiltration system means a device or practice such as a basin, trench, rain
garden or swale designed specifically to encourage infiltration, but does not include
natural infiltration in pervious surfaces such as lawns, redirecting of rooftop
downspouts onto lawns or minimal infiltration from practices, such as swales or road
side channels designed for conveyance and pollutant removal only.
Karst feature means an area or geologic feature subject to bedrock dissolution
so that it is likely to provide a conduit to groundwater, and may include caves,
enlarged fractures, mine features, exposed bedrock surfaces, sinkholes, springs,
seeps or swallets.
Land Development Activity means any construction related activity that results
in the addition or replacement of impervious surfaces such as rooftops, roads,
parking lots, and other structures. Measurement of areas impacted by land
development activity includes areas that are part of a larger common plan of
development or sale where multiple separate and distinct land disturbing
construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules
but under one plan.
Land disturbing construction activity means any man-made alteration of the
land surface resulting in a change in the topography or existing vegetative or non-
vegetative soil cover, that may result in runoff and lead to an increase in soil erosion
and movement of sediment into waters of the state. Land disturbing construction
activity includes clearing and grubbing, demolition, excavating, pit trench
dewatering, filling and grading activities.
27) “Maintenance agreement” means a legal document that provides for long-term
maintenance of stormwater management practices.
28) “MEP” or “maximum extent practicable” means a level of implementing best
management practices in order to achieve a performance standard specified in this
ordinance which takes into account the best available technology, cost effectiveness and
other competing issues such as human safety and welfare, endangered and threatened
resources, historic properties and geographic features. MEP allows flexibility in the way
to meet the performance standards and may vary based on the performance standard
and site conditions.
29) “New development” means development resulting from the conversion of previously
undeveloped land or agricultural land uses.
30) “Off-site” means located outside the property boundary described in the permit
31) “On-site” means located within the property boundary described in the permit
32) "Ordinary high-water mark" has the meaning given in s. NR 115.03(6), Wis. Adm.
33) “Outstanding resource waters” means waters listed in s. NR 102.10, Wis. Adm. Code.
34) Percent fines” means the percentage of a given sample of soil, which passes through
a # 200 sieve.
City of Whitewater
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Requirements
Section 5 Definitions
35) “Performance standard” means a narrative or measurable number specifying the
minimum acceptable outcome for a facility or practice.
36) “Permit” means a written authorization made by the Director of Public Works to the
applicant to conduct land disturbing construction activity or to discharge post-
construction runoff to waters of the state.
37) “Permit administration fee” means a sum of money paid to the [administering
authority] by the permit applicant for the purpose of recouping the expenses incurred by
the authority in administering the permit.
38) “Pervious surface” means an area that releases as runoff a small portion of the
precipitation that falls on it. Lawns, gardens, parks, forests or other similar vegetated
areas are examples of surfaces that typically are pervious.
Pollutant has the meaning given in s. 283.01(13), Wis. Stats.
Pollution has the meaning given in s. 281.01(10), Wis. Stats.
41) “Post-construction site" means a construction site following the completion of land
disturbing construction activity and final site stabilization.
42) “Pre-development condition” means the extent and distribution of land cover types
present before the initiation of land disturbing construction activity, assuming that all land
uses prior to development activity are managed in an environmentally sound manner.
43) “Preventive action limit” has the meaning given in s. NR 140.05(17), Wis. Adm. Code.
44) "Redevelopment means areas where development is replacing older development.
45) “Responsible party means any entity holding fee title to the property.
46) “Runoff” means stormwater or precipitation including rain, snow or ice melt or similar
water that moves on the land surface via sheet or channelized flow.
47) “Sediment” means settle able solid material that is transported by runoff, suspended
within runoff or deposited by runoff away from its original location.
Separate storm sewer means a conveyance or system of conveyances including
roads with drainage systems, streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches,
constructed channels or storm drains, which meets all of the following criteria:
a. Is designed or used for collecting water or conveying runoff.
b. Is not part of a combined sewer system.
c. Is not draining to a stormwater treatment device or system.
Discharges directly or indirectly to waters of the state.
49) “Site” means the entire area included in the legal description of the land on which the
land disturbing construction activity occurred.
50) “Stop work order” means an order issued by the Director of Public Works which
requires that all construction activity on the site be stopped.
51) “Stormwater management plan” means a comprehensive plan designed to reduce the
discharge of pollutants from stormwater after the site has under gone final stabilization
following completion of the construction activity.
52) “Stormwater management system plan” is a comprehensive plan designed to reduce
the discharge of runoff and pollutants from hydrologic units on a regional or municipal
53) "Technical standard" means a document that specifies design, predicted performance
and operation and maintenance specifications for a material, device or method.
54) “Top of the channel” means an edge, or point on the landscape, landward from the
ordinary high water mark of a surface water of the state, where the slope of the land
begins to be less than 12% continually for at least 50 feet. If the slope of the land is 12%
or less continually for the initial 50 feet, landward from the ordinary high water mark, the
top of the channel is the ordinary high water mark.
55) “TR-55” means the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources
Conservation Service (previously Soil Conservation Service), Urban Hydrology for Small
Watersheds, Second Edition, Technical Release 55, June 1986.
56) Type II distribution” means a rainfall type curve as established in the “United States
Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Paper 149, published
1973”. The Type II curve is applicable to all of Wisconsin and represents the most
intense storm pattern.
57) “Waters of the state has the meaning given in s. 281.01 (18), Wis. Stats.
Send Application to:
City of Whitewater
312 West Whitewater Street
P.O. Box 178
Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190
Official Use Only
Date Received
Fee Received
Instructions: Please type or print. Read all instructions before completing application.
Name of Project:
Applicant/Entity Receiving Permit
First Name of Contact: LastName:_
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber: ( )
Fax Number: ( _)
Property Owner
First Name: Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber: ( )
Parcel Identification Number(s):
First Name of Contact: LastName:_
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber: ( )
Fax Number: ( )
City of Whitewater
Stormwater Management Plan
Application Checklist
Please check the appropriate box: I = Included; NA = Non-Applicable
(If “NA” is checked, an explanation must be entered.)
Explanation/Location in Plan
A. Submittal Requirements
1. Permit Application Form
2. Maintenance Agreement
3. Financial Guarantee
4. Certification/Stamp by Wisconsin Prof. Engineer
B. Predevelopment Site Conditions Mapping
1. Location Map
2. Soils Survey Map
3. Existing Land Use Mapping
4. Pre-developed Site Conditions
a. Existing Contours
b. Property lines
c. Existing flow paths and direction
d. Outlet locations
e. Drainage basin divides and subdivides
f. Existing drainage structures on and adjacent to the site.
g. Nearby Watercourses
h. Lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, etc.
i. Limits of the 100-year floodplain;
j. Wells/Wellhead Protection Areas
C. Post-Development Site Conditions Mapping
1. Pervious Surfaces
2. Impervious Surfaces
3. One Foot Topographic Contours
4. Proposed Drainage System (including applicable off-site)
5. Proposed Easement Locations
6. Proposed Flow Paths, Overland Flow Routes
7. Proposed Outlets/Drainage Divides
D. Drawings/Details
1. Practice Location/Layout/Cross Sections
2. Outlet Structure Details
3. Ditch/Storm Sewer Plan/Profile
4. Other
E. Calculations, including computer modeling input and output files.
1. Hydrograph Parameter Calculations
2. Computer Modeling Input/Output (Pre- and Post developed)
3. Detention Pond Routing
4. Conveyance System Design
5. Other
City of Whitewater
Stormwater Management Plan
Application Checklist
Please check the appropriate box: I = Included; NA = Non-Applicable
(If “NA” is checked, an explanation must be entered.)
Explanation/Location in Plan
F. Narrative
1. Methodologies and Assumptions
2. Results/Conclusions
a. Pre-, and Post-developed parameter summary
b. Pre-, and Post-developed peak discharge Summary
3. Provisions to preserve natural topography/cover features
4. Limitations from wellhead protection plans and ordinances.
5. Results of investigations of soils and groundwater
6. Practice Installation Schedule
7. Maintenance Plan
8. Cost Estimates
9. Other Information
City of
Hydrologic Parameters
Basin Name
Drainage Area (Ac)
Runoff Curve Number
Time of Concentration
Peak Discharge Summary
Peak Discharge (cfs)
Note: Provide 1 table for each oufall location.
Detention Basin Summary
Peak Discharge (cfs)
Note: Provide 1 table for each detention basin.
Date of
Survey Map
General Conditions:
(a) All storm water management measures shall be installed in accordance with the approved storm water
management plan and this permit.
(b) The Director of Public Works shall be notified at least 3 business days before commencing any work in
conjunction with the storm water management plan, and within 3 business days upon completion of the storm
water management practices.
(c) Practice installations shall be certified "as built" by a licensed professional engineer. Completed storm water
management practices must pass a final inspection by the Director of Public Works or its designee to
they are in accordance with the approved storm water management plan and ordinance.
(d) The Director of Public Works shall be notified of any significant proposed modifications to an approved storm
water management plan.
(e) All storm water management practices shall be maintained in accordance with the storm water management
plan until the practices either become the responsibility of the City of Whitewater, or are transferred to
subsequent private owners as specified in the approved maintenance agreement.
(f) The City of Whitewater is authorized to perform any work or operations necessary to bring storm water
management measures into conformance with the approved storm water management plan, and consent to a
special assessment or charge against the property as authorized under such. VII of ch. 66, Wis. Stats., or to
charging such costs against the financial guarantee posted under S.10.
(g) If so directed by the Director of Public Works, all damage to adjoining facilities and drainage ways caused by
runoff, where such damage is caused by activities that are not in compliance with the approved storm water
management plan shall be repaired at the permitee’s expense.
(h) Access is permitted to the Director of Public Works or its designee for the purpose of inspecting the property for
compliance with the approved storm water management plan and this permit.
MUST FILL (please print or type full name)
Signature or Owner or Authorized Representative
Authority Title Date
Permit VALID for a period of twelve (12) months from date of issuance by Director of Public
Works and all work must be completed prior to the expiration unless authorized in writing from
the Director of Public Works.
Send Application to:
City of Whitewater
312 West Whitewater Street
P.O. Box 178
Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190
Official Use Only
Date Received
Fee Received
Instructions: Please type or print. Read all instructions before completing application.
Name of Project:
Applicant/Entity Receiving Permit
First Name of Contact: LastName:_
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber:( )
Fax Number: ( )
Property Owner
First Name: Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber: ( )
Parcel Identification Number(s):
Engineer (Where Applicable)
First Name of Contact: LastName:_
City: State: Zip Code:
TelephoneNumber: ( )
Fax Number: ( )
Administrative Authority
Permits issued under this section shall be valid for a period of 180 days, or the length of the building permit or other
construction authorizations, whichever is longer, from the date of issuance. The Director of Public Works may extend
the period one or more times for up to an additional 180 days. The Director of Public Works may require additional
BMPs as a condition of the extension if they are necessary to meet the requirements of this ordinance.
Date of
Survey Map
Permit Conditions:
(a) Permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works 48 hours prior to commencing any land disturbing
construction activity.
(b) Permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works of practice installation within 5 days of installation.
(c) Permittee shall obtain permission in writing from the Director of Public Works prior to any modification pursuant
to S.08(2) of the erosion and sediment control ordinance.
(d) Permittee shall install all practices as identified in the approved erosion and sediment control plan.
(e) Permittee shall maintain all road drainage systems, stormwater drainage systems, BMPs and other facilities
identified in the erosion and sediment control plan.
(f) Permittee shall repair any siltation or erosion damage to adjoining surfaces and drainage ways resulting from
land disturbing construction activities and document repairs in a site erosion control log. Remove accumulated
sediment from downstream culverts, storm sewers, and other drainage facilities.
(g) Permittee shall inspect the practices within 24 hours after each rain of 0.5 inches or more which results in
runoff during active construction periods, and at least once each week, make needed repairs and document the
findings of the inspections in a site erosion control log with the date of inspection, the name of the person
conducting the inspection, and a description of the present phase of the construction at the site.
(h) Permittee shall allow the Director of Public Works to enter the site for the purpose of inspecting compliance with
the erosion and sediment control plan or for performing any work necessary to bring the site into compliance
with the control plan. Permittee shall keep a copy of the erosion and sediment control plan at the construction
MUST FILL (please print or type full name)
Signature or Owner or Authorized Representative
City of Whitewater Construction Site
Erosion Control Plan Application
(Sites > One
Permit #:
Please check the appropriate box: I = Included; NA = Non-Applicable (If “NA” is checked, an explanation must be entered.)
Explanation/Location in Plan
A. Submittal Requirements
1. Permit Application Form
B. Predevelopment Site Conditions Mapping
1. Location Map
2. Soils Survey Map
3. Existing Land Use Mapping
4. Pre-developed Site Conditions
a. Existing Contours
b. Property lines
c. Existing flow paths and direction
d. Outlet locations
e. Drainage basin divides and subdivides
f. Existing drainage structures on and adjacent to the site.
g. Nearby Watercourses
h. Lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, etc.
i. Limits of the 100-year floodplain;
C. Proposed Site Grading and Erosion Control Plan
1. Boundaries of the construction site.
2. Drainage Patterns/slopes after grading activities
3. Areas of land disturbance
4. Locations of structural and nonstructural controls
5. Drainage basin delineations and outfall locations
D. Drawings/Details
1. Practice Location/Layout/Cross Sections
2. Construction Details
E. Calculations, as required to demonstrate ordinance compliance
F. Narrative
1. Name of receiving waters
2. Site Description/Nature of construction activity
3. Sequence of Construction
4. Estimate of site area and disturbance area
5. Pre- and post developed runoff coefficients
6. Description of proposed controls, including
a. Interim and permanent stabilization practices
b. Practices to divert flow from exposed soils
c. Practices to store flows or trap sediment
d. Any other practices proposed to meet ordinance
Administrative Authority
Permits issued under this section shall be valid for a period of 180 days, or the length of the building permit or other
construction authorizations, whichever is longer, from the date of issuance. The Director of Public Works may extend
the period one or more times for up to an additional 180 days. The Director of Public Works may require additional
BMPs as a condition of the extension if they are necessary to meet the requirements of this ordinance.
Date of
Survey Map
Permit Conditions:
(a) Permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works 48 hours prior to commencing any land disturbing
construction activity.
(b) Permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works of practice installation within 5 days of installation.
(c) Permittee shall obtain permission in writing from the Director of Public Works prior to any modification pursuant
to S.08(2) of the erosion and sediment control ordinance.
(d) Permittee shall install all practices as identified in the approved erosion and sediment control plan.
(e) Permittee shall maintain all road drainage systems, stormwater drainage systems, BMPs and other facilities
identified in the erosion and sediment control plan.
(f) Permittee shall repair any siltation or erosion damage to adjoining surfaces and drainage ways resulting from
land disturbing construction activities and document repairs in a site erosion control log. Remove accumulated
sediment from downstream culverts, storm sewers, and other drainage facilities.
(g) Permittee shall inspect the practices within 24 hours after each rain of 0.5 inches or more which results in
runoff during active construction periods, and at least once each week, make needed repairs and document the
findings of the inspections in a site erosion control log with the date of inspection, the name of the person
conducting the inspection, and a description of the present phase of the construction at the site.
(h) Permittee shall allow the Director of Public Works to enter the site for the purpose of inspecting compliance with
the erosion and sediment control plan or for performing any work necessary to bring the site into compliance
with the control plan. Permittee shall keep a copy of the erosion and sediment control plan at the construction
MUST FILL (please print or type full name)
Signature or Owner or Authorized Representative
The upkeep and maintenance of stormwater facilities and the implementation of pollution
source control best management practices (BMPs) is essential to the protection of water resources
in the City of Whitewater. All property owners are expected to conduct business in a manner that
minimizes impacts of stormwater runoff. This Agreement contains specific provisions with respect
to maintenance of stormwater facilities. The authority to require maintenance and pollution source
control is provided in the City of Whitewater Stormwater Management Zoning Ordinance.
Whereas, Owner has constructed improvements, including but not limited to, buildings,
pavement, and stormwater facilities on the property described above. In order to further the goals
of the stormwater management goals of the City of Whitewater, the City and Owner hereby enter
into this Agreement. The responsibilities of each party to this Agreement are identified below.
(1) Implement the stormwater facility maintenance plan included herein as Attachment A.
(2) Implement the stormwater management plan included herein as Attachment B.
(3) Allow the Director of Public Works or designee to access the property to conduct inspections
of storm water management practices as necessary to ascertain that the practices are being
maintained and operated in accordance with the agreement.
(4) Undertake corrective actions required by City within a reasonable time frame as set by the
Director of Public Works.
(5) Maintain a record of steps taken to implement the programs referenced in (1) and (2) above.
Record shall be available for inspection by City staff at Owners business during normal
business hours. The record shall catalog the action taken, who took it, when it was done, how
it was done, and any problems encountered or follow-on actions recommended.
(1) Provide technical assistance to Owner in support of its operation and maintenance activities
conducted pursuant to its maintenance and source control programs. Said assistance shall be
provided upon request, and as City time and resources permit.
(2) Maintain public records of the results of the site inspections, inform the party responsible for
maintenance of the inspection results, and specifically indicate any corrective actions required
to bring the storm water management practice into proper working condition.
(3) Notify the Owner of maintenance problems that require correction.
(1) If corrective actions required by the City are not completed within the time set by the Director
of Public Works, written notice will be sent to the persons who were given notice stating the
City intention to perform such maintenance and bill the owner for all incurred expenses.
(2) If at any time the City determines that the existing system creates any imminent threat to public
health or welfare, the Director of Public Works may take immediate measures to remedy said
threat. No notice to the persons listed in (1), above, shall be required under such
(3) The owner grants unrestricted authority to the City for access to any and all stormwater system
features for the purpose of performing maintenance or repair as may become necessary under
Remedies (1) and/or (2).
(4) The persons listed in (1), above, shall assume all responsibility for the cost of any maintenance
and for repairs to the stormwater facility. Such responsibility shall include reimbursement to
the City within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice for any such work performed. Overdue
payments will require payment of interest at the current legal rate for liquidated judgments. If
legal action ensues, any costs or fees incurred by the City will be borne by the parties
responsible for said reimbursements.
(5) The owner hereby grants to the City a lien against the above-described property in an amount
equal to the cost incurred by the City to perform the maintenance or repair work described
This Agreement is intended to protect the value and desirability of the real property described
above and to benefit all the citizens of the City. It shall run with the land and be binding on all
parties having or acquiring from Owner or their successors any right, title, or interest in the
property or any part thereof, as well as their title, or interest in the property or any part thereof, as
well as their heirs, successors, and assigns. They shall inure to the benefit of each present or future
successor in interest of said property or any part thereof, or interest therein, and to the benefit of all
citizens of the City.
) ss
On this day and year above personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the State
of Wisconsin duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me
known to be the of and acknowledge the
said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that is authorized to execute the said
instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of
Wisconsin, residing in
My Commission Expires:
Dated at Whitewater, Wisconsin, this day of , .
Authorized Agent for the City of Whitewater