Your self stories
What stories are you telling yourself,
and how can you rewrite them?
Answer the following questions and honestly and thoroughly as you can. They’ll help you zero in on
the stories you’re telling yourself about who you are and what you’re capable of; how those scripts
are limiting you; and how to rewrite them and create real, positive, lasting change in your life.
What kind of person would you
say you are, right now?
What kind of person
do you want to become?
How could you start living as if you were that person you wanted to become?
What do you feel like you’ve “done wrong”, or
“screwed up”, or “failed at over the last few weeks?
Why haven’t you achieved your goals already?
What’s blocking you?
OK, now, turn those mistakes around and try on a growth mindset. What do these mistakes
tell you, either about yourself, or what you might need in order to be successful?
If you were going to be your own coach, what would you suggest to yourself?
Your failure stories