“Denitions of Sustainability” Handout per student
“Big Ideas on Sustainability” Handouts per student
Optional: tape/glue and scissors
Analyze the various ways people describe what “sustainability”
Cra own denition of “sustainability”
Answer the queson, “What will it take for humans to be
“sustain-able” on our home planet Earth?”
Duration: 45 Minutes
Prerequisite: “Sustainability Foundations” online lesson
What is Sustainability
Notes (differentiation, student groupings, additional questions, etc.):
Ask “What do we depend on for survival? What depends on us?”
Create a list on board/chart paper that models the connection between examples the
students are providing, demonstrating the complexity of the web of life.
5 mins
Assign the “Denitions of Sustainability” handout.
Ask students to engage with the text using the following reading protocol:
» Underline the main idea of each denition
» Rewrite each denition in your own words
Regroup and ask students, “What does ‘sustain-ability’ really mean?”
12 mins
Sustainability Foundations
In this lesson, students explore the different interpretations of the word sustainability itself. This lays the groundwork for students also
to explore the big themes of sustainability through quotes from great thinkers on the subject. These themes include interconnectedness,
change, ethical responsibility, and the health of our Earth.
Say there are some creatures that have stood the test of time. Examples are:
» Bees have been around 100 million years,
» trees have existed for 370 million years,
» and horseshoe crabs lived on Earth for 450 million years!
Say all of these living things have depended on other living things and other living things
have depended on them. In order to thrive over time, it makes sense that we will need to
contribute to the health of the physical and social systems we are part of.
Ask what are the physical (things!) and social (relationships!) systems of support that we
depend on?
» Ex. Fresh air, clean water, healthy food, fertile soil, love, community, shelter,
transportation, etc.
Ask what depends on us?
3 mins
Say in order for us to thrive we must respect the interconnectedness of the world around
us. We are going to look at eight statements made by people on interconnectedness and
interpret them.
Group students into small pairs to sort and interpret seven statements, passing out the
two-paged “Big Thoughts on Sustainability” handout.
Ask students to read the quote, discuss together, and go around the room asking them to
share their interpretation with the class and how they categorized them.
Discuss each as a class, asking how these themes tie together to create a big picture of
20 min
Assign a quick write or journal prompt to students:
» “What do we need to consider on our own or as a community to move toward
5 mins
Learners needing support:
Notes for next time:
Learners ready for extensions:
Denitions of Sustainability
Name: Date:
1. “The possibility that humans and other life will ourish on Earth forever.” - John Ehrenfeld
2. A sustainable society is one that is far-seeing enough, exible enough, and wise enough not to undermine either its
physical or its social systems of support.” - Donnella Meadows
3. “The capability to thrive over time.” - Jaimie P. Cloud
4. “When people get what they want without trashing the world so animals and other people can get what they want and
need.” - 2nd Grade Student
5. A quality of life for all, within the means of nature.” - The Global Footprint Network
6. “Sustainability encompasses the simple principle of taking from the earth only what it can provide indenitely, thus
leaving future generations no less than we have access to ourselves.” -
7. “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.” – Gro Harlem Brundtland
Instructions: As you read underline the main idea in each statement. Then create your own denition of “sustainability.
Your Denition of Sustainability:
Big Ideas on Sustainability: Quote Bank
“There is no such thing as ‘away.’ When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” – Annie Leonard
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we nd it hitched to everything else in the universe.” – John Muir
“Change is inevitable. Life is dynamic and living systems develop over time. Things are always changing--life
adapts and evolves…” – Jaimie P. Cloud, Cloud Institute
“Sustainable development is that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.” – Gro Harlem Brundtland will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received
and practiced on.” – Benjamin Franklin
“We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world. We have been
wrong. We must change our lives, so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption that what is good
for the world will be good for us… For it is only on the condition of humanity and reverence before the world
that our species will be able to remain in it.” – Wendell Berry
... the limits are real and close, and… there is just exactly enough time, with no time to waste. There is just
exactly enough energy, enough material, enough money, enough environmental resilience and enough human
virtue to bring about a revolution of a better world.” – Donella Meadows
Instructions: Sort these quotes on sustainability into the correct categories
Live by the Physical Laws & Natural Principles
Respect Our Interdependence
Accept Responsibility
Tirelessly Fight for Change
Depend on a Healthy Earth
It is Our Turn
Big Ideas on Sustainability
Name: Date:
Instructions: Sort the quotes on sustainability from the quote bank into the correct categories
Live by the Physical Laws & Natural Principles
Respect Our Interdependence
Accept Responsibility
Tirelessly Fight for Change
Depend on a Healthy Earth
It is Our Turn
Big Ideas on Sustainability
Teacher Key
“There is no such thing as ‘away.’ When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” – Annie Leonard
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we nd it hitched to everything else in the universe.
– John Muir
“Change is inevitable. Life is dynamic and living systems develop over time. Things are always changing–life
adapts and evolves…” – Jaimie P. Cloud, Cloud Institute
“Sustainable development is that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.” – Gro Harlem Brundtland will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally
received and practiced on.” – Benjamin Franklin
We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world. We have been
wrong. We must change our lives, so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption that what is
good for the world will be good for us… For it is only on the condition of humanity and reverence before the
world that our species will be able to remain in it.” – Wendell Berry
... the limits are real and close, and… there is just exactly enough time, with no time to waste. There is just
exactly enough energy, enough material, enough money, enough environmental resilience and enough
human virtue to bring about a revolution of a better world.” – Donella Meadows