International Student Office (ISO)
2600 Mission Bell Dr., San Pablo, CA 94806
Phone: 510.215.3954, 510.215.3922 Email:
ompletion Optional Practical Training
(Post-OPT) Request Form
Post-completion optional practical training (Post-OPT) is off-campus employment based on the completion of an Associate Degree
or Certificate at Contra Costa College. The employment must be related to the degree earned. However, an offer of employment
is not required to apply for OPT.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________
Last/Family/Surname First/Given Name Student ID #
N________________________ ____________________________ ________________________
SEVIS ID Email Address Telephone Number
______________________________________ ____________________________________________
Major Program completion date
1. I have received Curricular Practical Training (CPT): Yes No
• If yes, please indicate the following dates: CPT Start Date: ___________ CPT End Date: ___________
2. I have been authorized for OPT for my current degree program:
Yes No
• If yes, please indicate the following dates: OPT Start Date: ___________ OPT End Date: ___________
3. I request my OPT employment be:
Part-time Full-time
4. I request my OPT employment to begin and end on the following dates:
Start Date: ________________ OPT End Date: ________________
5. I agree to:
• Not
begin working until I have received my EAD.
• Submit a copy of the EAD to ISO.
• If granted post-completion OPT, notify ISO within 10 days of changes in the following:
____________________________ _______________
STUDENT Signature Date
To be completed and signed by the Academic Advisor (acceptable: Department Chair or Dean)
OPT is an employment option available to F-1 students when the employment is directly related to the major area of study.
ISO facilitates the OPT application process, but the final authorization is processed by USCIS.
The s
tudent named above:
• Is/was in good academic standing
Yes No
• Is/was enrolled in a full course of study
Yes No
• Is making reasonable process toward academic program completion or has completed their program: Yes No
ADVISOR Name & Title
______________________________________ _______________
ADVISOR Signature Date
• Residential address
• Phone and email address
• Employer('s) name
• Employer('s) address
• Job Title(s)
• Explanation of how your job(s) relates to
your field of study at CCC
• Start and/or end dates of employment
• Any periods of unemployment
• Date of exiting the U.S. (You must provide date of exit if you
decide to exit the U.S and complete your OPT status prior to
the end date of your OPT)
• If your visa status changes while on OPT
• You are required to update this information within 10 days of
any changes. Keep a receipt copy of the web site each time
you report a change.