of Loyaltyof Loyalty
of Loyaltyof Loyalty
Award Nomination Form
Indivdual or Organization Information
What is Loyalty?
Loyalty is a partnership. The institution’s relationships are based on trust, respect, and communication.
Having loyalty and pride in the college for which we govern, or work gives us a sense of community and
contributing to a purpose larger than ourselves. The opportunity to work within a well-functioning team
gives us a chance to feel valued. This in turn fosters dedication, commitment and a desire to contribute.
The Office of the President has established the “Legends of Loyalty” award. This award is intended to identify and recognize dedication and
commitment to the college. It spotlights individuals or organizations who have, over the years, made a significant impact on the history of the
college, and have gone above and beyond their required duties and proven unselfish allegiance.
V arious criteria that should be considered when nominating an individual or organization for this award:
Longtime employment/relationship with COTC
Performance above and beyond normal duties which have earned trust and respect from
Actions that have impacted the history of the college
Name: _______________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________
Phone:_________________ Email: ________________________________
Affiliation with College: ________________________________________
Contact information will be used for award application only
Nominator Information
Name: _______________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________
Phone:_________________ Email: _____________________________ ___
Relationship to Candidate: ______________________________________
Please return completed nomination form to jtomlins@cotc.edu
or mail to:
Jan Tomlinson
Office of the President
Central Ohio Technical College
1179 University Drive
Newark, Ohio 43055