Western Christian Schools exists to Love the Lord Jesus Christ, Teach the Truth, and Serve others.
Western Christian Schools
Christian Educator Grant Application
WCS will provide a Christian Educator Grant to families who have a parent employed in a Christian school, grades
Preschool – 12. Christian educators who are eligible for the grant must apply through FACTS Grant & Aid. Families in
preschool do not need to apply for the grant through FACTS, and will only need to apply by submitting an application
found online at westernchristian.org, click admissions then preschool. The Grant will be administered through the
Tuition Assistance program and qualification and award amount will be determined by the administration and the
Tuition Assistance Committee.
• Students must be full-time
• Grant only applies to tuition
• Christian educator grant application must be renewed each year
• Must work full-time at a Christian school grades Preschool – 12th
• Must sign in agreement with Western Christian’s Statement of Faith
Employee at Christian School: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name(s): __________________________________ Grade entering: ______________
Name of Christian School: _______________________________________________________________
Title/Position: _________________________________________________________________________
Full-Time Employee? Yes or No
Length of time in position: _______________________________________________________________
Please provide a brief description of your position: ____________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________ Cell: _______________________
Applicant Signature________________________________________ Date_______________________
We appreciate your service and sacrifice to the Lord, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Ephesians 4:11, 12.