Administrative Appeal Docketing Statement
1. An administrative appeal docketing statement must be filed for every administrative
agency case appealed to the circuit courts of West Virginia. The party filing the appeal
may attach a more substantive petition or brief, but the administrative appeal docketing
statement must be filed and filled out completely.
2. The completed administrative appeal docketing statement must be served upon all parties
to the agency proceeding, including those parties not represented by counsel, the agency
itself, and the Attorney General’s Office. The administrative appeal docketing statement
must be in the form approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals or in a substantially
similar format.
3. Only one administrative appeal docketing statement shall be filed for each petition for
appeal. If more than one party joins in a petition for appeal, they must select one party
who is responsible for filing the administrative appeal docketing statement.
4. The administrative appeal docketing statement should briefly address all of the points or
issues to be raised in the appeal. However, it is not the appropriate document for making
arguments or motions. A supporting petition may be filed with the administrative appeal
docketing statement for such purposes. Conclusory statements, such as “The decision of
the agency is not supported by the law or the facts”, are unacceptable.
5. While every effort should be made to include in the administrative appeal docketing
statement all issues to be presented to the circuit court, the omission of an issue from the
statement will not affect the jurisdiction of the circuit court to consider all issues
presented by the appeal.
6. If another party to the proceeding believes that the administrative appeal docketing
statement is inaccurate or incomplete, that issue should be addressed in the response to
the petition for appeal.”