Welcome to the Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
Career and College Promise High School Programs Application
Thank you for your interest in Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute. Whether you are considering a
college transfer pathway or a career and technical education pathway, you are taking a positive step toward building a
rewarding and prosperous future. Our primary goal is to make your educational experience as satisfying as possible. If
you have questions regarding your application or general questions about our programs and services, please contact
your Transition Advisor at the appropriate campus below. We look forward to serving you!
Note: Please mail or email your application and any enrollment related documents (official transcripts and official test
scores) to the appropriate Transition Advisor below for the campus you wish to attend.
Caldwell Applied Sciences Academy (CASA) Caldwell Early College High School (CECHS)
Attn: Frank Pait, Transition Advisor Attn: Katelyn Long, Transition Advisor
CCC&TI - 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, NC 28638 CCC&TI - 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, NC 28638
fpait@cccti.edu or fpait@caldwellschools.com klong@cccti.edu or klong@caldwellschools.com
Ph: 828-759-4653 Ph: 828-759-4647
Hibriten High School (HHS) South Caldwell High School (SCHS)
Attn: Sherry Herman, Transition Advisor Attn: Mitzi Triplett, Transition Advisor
1350 Panther Trail, Lenoir, NC 28645 7035 Spartan Dr., Hudson, NC 28638
sherman@cccti.edu or shherman@caldwellschools.com mftriplett@cccti.edu or mtriplett@caldwellschools.com
Ph: 828-758-7376*353 Ph: 828-396-2188
Watauga Innovation Academy West Caldwell Community College (WCHS)
Attn: Bobbie Watson, Transition Advisor Attn: Josie Varela, Transition Advisor
300 Go Pioneers Dr., Boone, NC 28607 300 W. Caldwell Dr., Lenoir, NC 28645
bjwatson@cccti.edu or watsonb@wataugaschools.org jvarela@cccti.edu or adv.jvarela@caldwellschools.com
Ph: 828-297-2185*5280 or Ph: 828-264-1330 Ph: 828-758-5583*137
Home Schooled or not a resident of Caldwell or Watauga Counties
Attn: Jeff Link, Executive Director Educational Partnerships
CCC&TI – 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, NC 28638
jlink@cccti.edu Ph: 828-726-2606
The college is fully committed to providing a learning and working environment that is free from prohibited discrimination. The
college does not practice or condone discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender,
gender identity or expression, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, age, political affiliation or veterans’ status in the
administration or in any of its educational programs, activities and employment practices.
The college’s Title IX Coordinator has oversight responsibility for handling sexual harassment complaints and for identifying and
addressing any patterns and/or systemic problems involving sexual discrimination or harassment. All allegations involving sexual
harassment should be directed to the college’s Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Coordinators listed Below:
Randy Ledford, Title IX Coordinator Rose Moon Dr. Kim Van Wie
Caldwell Campus Caldwell Campus Watauga Campus
H-Building, Room 124 A-Building, Room 121 W-460, Room 101
Phone: 828-726-2241 Phone: 828-726-2269 Phone: 828- 297-2185 Ext. 5206
Email: rlledford@cccti.edu Email: rmoon@cccti.edu Email: kvanwie@cccti.edu