University of Hawai’i
University Health Services Mānoa
1710 East West Road, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96822
Phone 808-956-8965 Fax 808-956-3583
Upload documents to your Patient Access Portal:
If you do not have health insurance, we highly recommend that all students obtain coverage. Health
insurance is mandatory for international students and students enrolled in specific programs.
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The University Health Service can bill many non-HMO insurance companies for services provided at UHSM.
(There are some exceptions, and we do not bill Med-QUEST, listed below.) Although you do not need to
have insurance to use the on-campus health services, you will be asked to provide insurance coverage
information when you visit. To expedite the clinic registration process, please return the completed
Insurance Information Form and a front and back copy of your medical insurance card to:
University Health Services Mānoa
1710 East West Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96822
At the Health Service, charges for uninsured students are reasonable; however, costs for off-campus care,
emergencies, and hospitalization can be extremely high. We highly recommend that you obtain insurance
to cover these situations.
1) Students who have coverage through their parents’ employee health plans:
Under the Affordable Care Act (www.healthcare.gov), young adults will be allowed to stay on their parents' plan
until they turn 26 years old (some exceptions may apply). Contact your insurance provider for specifics.
2) Students who wish to purchase their own health insurance coverage:
University of Hawai‘i endorsed student health insurance plans are available for regular registered students. The
current plans are provided by Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA). The coverage terms and premiums are
very favorable. Please see our website for details. Application forms are available at the University Health Services
or can be downloaded from the HMSA website at www.hmsa.com/portal/student.
3) Students who may qualify for the State of Hawai‘i Med-QUEST plan:
Med QUEST is a State health insurance plan for those who meet low-income criteria. For more information, please
visit the Department of Human Services, Med QUEST website: http://humanservices.hawaii.gov/mqd/
4) Out-of state students and students who have non- Hawai‘i or foreign insurance plans:
Please review carefully the terms of your health insurance coverage. Your insurance may not cover medical
services performed away from your home location and/or designated medical facilities or providers. IMPORTANT
for International Students: The University requires that all international students maintain adequate medical
health insurance and medical evacuation and repatriation coverage while attending UH. For F-1 students, go to
for more information. For all other international
students, go to the office that handles
your visa for more information.
Please feel free to visit the University Health Services at 1710 East West Road. We will be happy to answer
any questions you may have concerning your health care needs on campus. Telephone 808-956-
8965. You may also visit our web site at http://www.hawaii.edu/shs. For questions on the UH Student Plan,
you may also contact the Student Health Insurance Office at shio@hawaii.edu