Company Tuition Payment Authorization
• Company-paid tuition authorization is required by Schoolcraft College:
o The Tuition Payment Authorization form is due at time of Registration.
o An updated form is required for each
semester student is attending.
o This form should be completed by Authorized Company Personnel
• Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and cannot be contingent on completion of the class or courses, final grades, or
employee reimbursement.
• After receipt of this information, a Student Accounts representative will contact your company to verify information for billing
Please return completed forms to
: Student Accounts Office – McDowell Rm 120 (734)-462-4586 (phone) / (734)-462-4505(fax)
_________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________________
Name (PRINT) of Company Contact Person Signature Date
If the company fails to pay Schoolcraft College for tuition, fees, books, and supply charges, I agree to pay Schoolcraft College the
amount due. I also understand that I will not be able to register for a future semester, access grades or official transcripts until all
outstanding balances have been paid in full.
_________________________________________ _______________________________________ __________________
Student Name (PRINT) Student Signature Date
Company/Organization Information:
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name and Job Title or Department (for billing purposes):
__________________________________________ _____________________________________
(First and Last Name) (Job Title/Department)
Mailing Address:
________________________________ __________________, ________ _________
(Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Phone Number (incl. area code): Fax Number (incl. area code):
_________________________________ _________________________________
If your company will accept a PDF invoice please provide your email address:
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________
Student Information and Costs Covered:
__________________________________________ agrees to pay the costs for (Check all that apply):
(Company Name)
Tuition: ____ Fees: ____ Books: ____ Supplies: ____
For the following student: (NOTE: Only one form per student)
_______________________________________________ _______________________
(Student First and Last Name) (Student # or Last 4 digits of Student’s SS#)
This tuition payment authorization is for the ______________________________ ___________ semester.
(indicate only one: Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer) (indicate year)
* NOTE: Costs will be invoiced by Schoolcraft College to the mailing or email address provided by the company.
Version 1.1 08/2016