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Wedding Ceremony Questionnaire
Please return this questionnaire to us in advance of your wedding day.
You can email it to:; or
You can post it to: The Register Office, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT.
If you have any further queries you can email us or ring us on 01325 406 400.
Day and date of your wedding
Time of your wedding
Venue of your wedding
(if the Register Office specify):
Statutory Marriage Room
The Foyer
The Council Chamber
Full names of the couple being married and any
preferred names (eg. Christopher/Chris).
Number of guests attending other than the
couple being married.
Name of Best Man (if relevant)
The rings will be passed by:
The rings will be left on the table with the
If yes, name:
How many weddings rings are there
Is someone giving the bride away ? If yes, name:
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Are there any bridesmaids, if yes how many ?
For a hotel wedding only:
Is the bride arriving by car or getting changed at
the hotel ?
Names of the witnesses 1.
Is your music recorded or live ?
Do you have a nominated photographer ?
Do you have a nominated videographer ?
What vows are you saying:
Legal Vows (choose a, b or c)
Additional vows (choose A; B; C; D; E; F or G)
Legal Vows (choose a, b or c)
Additional vows (choose A; B; C; D; E; F or G)
Party 1: Your Name:
Party 1: Your Name:
Is there a reading by a guest during the
ceremony ? If yes, what is their name ?
Is there any other information that you feel we
should know ?
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Choice of vows
Please do not worry about saying your vows. The registrar will say them with you very slowly and
only a few words at a time.
You must choose at least one of the legally binding vows and can if you want to extend your vows
with additional vows, again these words are said with the registrar only a few at a time and at a slow
pace. With the additional vows the two parties being married may choose different vows or the
Legally binding Vows
You must choose from either A, B or C. Declaratory vows are said at the beginning of the ceremony
and Contractual Vows are said at the point of exchanging rings (if rings are exchanged). Saying the
contractual vows is the point of the marriage ceremony at which you become legally married.
Option A:
Declaratory Words: “I do solemnly declare, that I know not, of any lawful impediment, why I ………..
may not be joined in matrimony to …………. ”
Contractual Words: “I give this ring, as a token of my love, and as a reminder, of our marriage vows.
I call upon these persons, here present, to witness that I …………….. do take thee …………… to be my
lawful wedded husband/wife.”
Option B:
Declaratory Words: “I declare that I know, of no legal reason, why I …….……. may not be joined in
marriage to……………”
Contracting Words: I ………… take you ……………. to be my lawful wedded husband/wife.”
Option C:
Declaratory Words: By replying “I am” to the question “Are you ……….….. free to lawfully
marry………….…. ?”
Contracting Words: I ………… take you ……………. to be my lawful wedded husband/wife.”
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Optional Extra Vows
A standard Register Office marriage ceremony is relatively short lasting only about 15 minutes and
we could encourage you to say additional vows to each other following the contractual vows and
during the exchange of rings. You may choose to say the same or different vows to each other, or
you can write your own (provided they have no religious content) Our options are:
Option A
And I promise to care for you, with love and friendship, to support and comfort you, through good
times and through troubled times. I promise to care for you, with love and patience, to respect and
cherish you, and to be faithful always. These promises I make to, you for the rest of my life.
Option B
When you are weak I will strengthen you; when you are sad, I will comfort you, and when you need
me, I will be there. In happiness I will laugh with you. And in our life together, I will be forever
faithful. I give you this ring, as a token of my enduring love. With my heart I pledge to you, all that I
am, and all that I will become. With this ring I marry you, and join my life to yours.
Option C
I promise to give you, my love and friendship, to be there for you when you need me most, to laugh
and cry with you, to trust and confide in you. I promise to give you my comfort, support and respect,
to share all I have with you, and to be faithful always. These promises I make to you, for the rest of
my life.
Option D
I promise to love and care for you, and to be faithful to you always. May we look to our future
together with hope, happiness and joy. May we remember this day, keeping it perfect in our hearts,
Option E
Today I am secure in the knowledge, that you will be a constant friend, my faithful partner in life and
my one true love. Today I give to you, in the presence of these witnesses, my promise to support
you, through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in
times of distress, encourage you to achieve your aims, always be open and honest with you, and
cherish you as long as we both shall live.
Option F
I take you to be my husband/wife. To have and to hold from this day forward. Through sickness and
in health, through happiness and sadness. I give to you, my unending love and devotion. I promise to
respect and cherish you, and to be faithful always. I look forward, to spending the rest of my life with
you, and will love you always.
Option G - Own vows (subject to approval by the Superintendent Registrar).
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Notes about music
In an approved venue ie. hotel you will need to give any music you have to the hotel staff which
should include:
1. Music for the seating of the guests.
2. Entrance of the bride.
3. Signing of the Register and the official photograph
4. Exit of the couple
The format of the music eg. cd or ipod etc should be discussed with the venue.
At the register office you should give any music to the register on the day or if you prefer you can
leave it with us beforehand and it should include:
1. Entrance of the bride.
2. 2. Signing of the Register and the official photograph
3. Exit of the couple
You may bring either a CD or have the music pre download to a device such as a mobile phone or
mp3 player. We do not have a wi-fi connection so the music must be pre downloaded to the device.
Copy CD’s cannot be guaranteed to play but we will try it for you before the wedding day if you wish.
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