October 2012
Webtime Entry Web-Base
Training Certification Form
This form must be completed by all employees upon completion of the Webtime Entry Web-Base online training for time entry on Banner
Self Service (BSS). Please submit this form to HR within two (2) days after completion of the applicable training session(s). All
information on this form is required.
Employee’s Name: ______________________ Employee Banner No. ___________________
Department: ______________________________
Date Completed Online Training: _______________________
I, _________________________________, do hereby certify that I have completed the online training session for the below checked
(Please check all that apply):
Webtime Entry Training For Biweekly Employees – All biweekly employees must complete this course to input and submit his/her
timesheet electronically via Self Service Banner.
Webtime Entry Training For Monthly and Faculty Employees – All monthly and faculty employees must complete this course to
input and submit his/her timesheet electronically via Self Service Banner.
Proxy Set-Up Tutorial Video (Supervisor Only) – All supervisors, department heads, directors, deans, etc. must complete this
course for proxy set-up in Self Service Banner.
Approving A Timesheet (Supervisor Only) – All supervisors, department heads, directors, deans, etc. must complete this course in
order to approve a timesheet via Self Service Banner.
Note to employee: This form will be made a part of your personnel file. Please read and understand its contents before
I understand the training I have received and I can use BSS Webtime Entry properly.
_________________________________ ______________________
Employee’s signature Date
Please submit completed form to the appropriate HR Office as shown below:
SUBR: fax: (225) 771-5617 or send via campus mail to Human Resources, J. S. Clark Annex, 1
Floor or via regular mail to
Human Resources, P. O. Box 10400, Baton Rouge, LA 70813
SUNO: fax: (504) 284-5482 or send via campus mail to Human Resources, Park Campus, Administration 315 or via regular mail
to Human Resources, Southern University at New Orleans, 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126
SUSLA: fax: (318) 676-5496 or send via campus mail to Human Resources, Leonard C. Barnes Administration Bldg, A17 or via
regular mail to Human Resources, Southern University at Shreveport, 3050 Martin Luther King, Jr., Shreveport, LA 71107