Performance Report Instructions – Classified Service Employees
July 2016
Conducting scheduled performance review discussions with your classified service employees is
a management expectation. As a manager, timely submission of the completed document is your
responsibility. In the event that your employee refuses to sign the document, please send the
document to HR timely indicating this situation directly on the form itself. Please do not hesitate
to contact HR with questions.
• A copy of the current Board approved job description for the classified employee to be
evaluated is being emailed to you. As you complete the evaluation process, this becomes
an important reference document.
• The “Instructions to Rater” section of the performance report form includes a sentence
which states: “This performance evaluation process includes a review and discussion
about the current Board approved job description for this position.” When you sign as the
Supervisor at the bottom of this form, you are affirming that you have conducted this
review and discussion with your classified employee during each annual (or more
frequently if a probationary status employee) evaluation discussion.
• Beginning July 2016, an additional signature will be required in order for the evaluation
process to be considered complete. The “manager” of the “supervisor” will also sign the
evaluation. If you are unsure who this individual is, feel free to contact HR to inquire.
• As part of each evaluation process, your employee will be indicating whether they believe
they have been expected to perform work outside of their Board approved job description
during the past calendar year. If your employee indicates that they believe that they have
been performing work outside of their current classification, this is your opportunity to
understand their perspective, share your perspective, and make a responsible decision
regarding your expectations about their continuing to perform these duties going forward.
A notation summarizing the results of this discussion, initialed by both parties, must be
attached to the evaluation document and submitted to HR. Allowing “job creep” to
continue could lead to a request for reclassification consideration. If your employee
indicates uncertainty with respect to whether new duties that you have assigned are within
their current classification, they can request a meeting to include you, me, and their labor
representative to discuss and make this determination.
• There are five possible rating levels. A performance rating of “outstanding” in an area
should be reserved for truly distinguished, sustained performance by an employee. A
rating at this level deserves specific supporting information in the “comments” section.
• The definition of “Above Average” reads, “Often exceeds performance standards.” A
rating at this level warrants additional supporting information in the “comments” section
of this document.
• Ratings of “marginal” or “unsatisfactory” must
be supported by helpful, specific
descriptions of performance or behavior that needs improvement. Specific suggestions to
aid employee in improvement are also required. Providing specific examples will be
helpful for you and the employee. This is not intended to discourage you from
appropriately rating unsatisfactory performance in an area, but to encourage you to
provide constructive feedback, support and guidance to your employee. Your role is
critical in their ability to perform effectively, meet your expectations, and succeed in their
• Factor definitions (found on the reverse side of the form) are intended to provide
supervisors with a useful tool for rating each performance factor area. Please carefully
consider each factor individually, without allowing your assessment of a performance
factor in one area to influence your rating in another area.
• If you have more than one employee in a classification, the values that you apply to each
factor should be uniformly applied to all employees in that classification.