HPN 225 Supporting the Families of Veterans: Understanding the Impact of Veterans' Mental Health on their Families, Partners and Children
ental Health Professionals Network | email contactus@mhpn.org.au | telephone 1800 209 031
If you could benefit from building stronger relationships, improving referral
pathways, sharing experiences and engaging in peer support – joining your local
Mental Health Professionals’ Network could be the answer.
What is an MHPN network?
A network consists of a group of practitioners who meet on a regular basis to discuss mental health issues
important to their local community.
Network membership is voluntary and members often include; psychiatrists, GPs, psychologists, mental
health nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, community health workers, counsellors and any
other practitioner involved in delivering primary mental health care.
Networks can choose to focus on mental health issues generally or on an area of specific interest.
Specific interest areas are wide-ranging, and can include mental health and eating disorders, problem
gambling, young people, diabetes, heart disease, as well as a range of others.
Two options to get involved
> Join a network in your local area. Visit www.mhpn.org.au and use the mental health network map
to see what networks are available in your area. Register to receive invitations to future meetings by
clicking on Register for this network and providing your details.
> Start a new network. If MHPN’s mental health network map at www.mhpn.org.au indicates there
isn’t already a network in your area, it could be a great opportunity to start one. Even if there is
already a network in your local area, you may like to consider starting one with a specific area of
interest if you feel it would be relevant to local clinicians.
If you decide to start a network, MHPN’s network establishment team will work with you to:
> access funding
> determine interest from practitioners in your area
> promote meetings
> advise about arranging meeting venue and catering.
Want more information? Contact MHPN
Visit www.mhpn.org.au to register for upcoming webinars
or watch more recordings.