Preferred Method of Written Correspondence
Preferred Method of Written Correspondence
Weber County Lot Combination Application
Receipt Number (Office Use)
Land Serial Number(s)Address
Property Information
Fees (Office Use)
Phone Fax
Mailing Address
Property Owner Contact Information
Email Address
I (We), _______________________________________________, depose and say that I (we) am (are) the owner(s) of the property identified in this application
and that the statements herein contained, the information provided in the attached plans and other exhibits are in all respects true and correct to the best of
my (our) knowledge.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Property Owner) (Property Owner)
Subscribed and sworn to me this _________day of _________________, 20 ______,
Property Owner Affidavit
Date Submitted / Completed
Email Fax Mail
Application submittals will be accepted by appointment only. (801) 399-8791. 2380 Washington Blvd. Suite 240, Ogden, UT 84401
Project Narrative
Subdivision Name Current Zoning
Email Address
Phone Fax
Mailing Address of Authorized PersonName of Person Authorized to Represent the Property Owner(s)
Authorized Representative Contact Information
Email Fax Mail
Lot Numbers
I (We), _______________________________________________, the owner(s) of the real property described in the attached application, do authorized as my
(our) representative(s), _______________________________________________, to represent me (us) regarding the attached application and to appear on
my (our) behalf before any administrative or legislative body in the County considering this application and to act in all respects as our agent in matters
pertaining to the attached application.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Property Owner) (Property Owner)
Dated this _________day of _________________, 20 ______, personally appeared before me ______________________________________________, the
signer(s) of the Representative Authorization Affidavit who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Authorized Representative Affidavit
Planning Director's Approval
Approved this _________day of _________________, 20 ______.
Planning Director, Weber County Planning Division