From : Tony Roper <troper@clarkecounty.gov>
Subject : Re: Watermelon Pickers Fest, River & Roots Festival, Single-day Event 2021, 2022, 2023
To : Brianna Taylor <btaylor@clarkecounty.gov>
Cc : Matthew blacklock <matthew.blacklock@vsp.virginia.gov>, clarissa bonnefond
<clarissa.bonnefond@vdh.virginia.gov>, Bobby Boyce <Bobby.Boyce@VDOT.Virginia.gov>, Brian
Lichty <blichty@clarkecounty.gov>, Jamie Royston <jroyston@clarkecounty.gov>, Angie Cather
<acather@clarkecounty.gov>, tsumption <tsumption@clarkecounty.gov>, Trevor Creany
Zimbra btaylor@clarkecounty.gov
Re: Watermelon Pickers Fest, River & Roots Festival, Single-day Event 2021, 2022, 2023
Fri, Oct 16, 2020 09:23 AM
Good day, Ms. Taylor,
The application and plan addresses all areas of concern for the Sheriff's Office and I endorse approval.
Let me know if need anything further.
From: "Brianna Taylor" <btaylor@clarkecounty.gov>
To: "Matthew blacklock" <matthew.blacklock@vsp.virginia.gov>, "clarissa bonnefond" <clarissa.bonnefond@vdh.virginia.gov>, "Bobby
Boyce" <Bobby.Boyce@VDOT.Virginia.gov>, "Brian Lichty" <blichty@clarkecounty.gov>, "Jamie Royston"
<jroyston@clarkecounty.gov>, "Angie Cather" <acather@clarkecounty.gov>, "Tony Roper" <troper@clarkecounty.gov>, "tsumption"
Cc: "Trevor Creany" <trevor.creany@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11:51:59 AM
Subject: Watermelon Pickers Fest, River & Roots Festival, Single-day Event 2021, 2022, 2023
Good Afternoon All,
Following up via email to letters sent out by Shepherds Ford Productions, LLC, Trevor Creany on October 9, 2020. Attached to this
email is a pdf of the special event permit application- large event for Watermelon Pickers Fest, River and Roots Festival, and a single-
day event for 2021, 2022, and 2023. Code of Clarke County, Chapter 57: Special Events allows 45 days for response, the 45-day
deadline will be Friday, November 27, 2020.
Medium or Large Special Event. Upon receipt of a complete Medium or Large Special Event permit application,
- The County Administrator shall forward the completed application to the:
• Clarke County Building Official,
• Clarke County Sheriff,
• Chief of the Fire and Rescue Company serving the location, and
• Local offices of the Virginia Departments of Health, State Police, and Transportation for comment and/or agency approval.
The public agency shall respond with comments and/or agency approval within 45 calendar days. Failure to respond within 45
calendar days shall be deemed approval by the agency.
Please respond by Friday, November 27, 2020.
Thank you,
Brianna R. Taylor
Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors
Conflict of Interest Officer
Employee Support Coordinator
County of Clarke
101 Chalmers Court, Suite B
Berryville, Virginia 22611
Zimbra https://mail.clarkecounty.gov/h/printmessage?id=51633&tz=America/N...
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