-----------------------------------------FOR OFFICE USE ONLY-----------------------------------------
Acct #: Reading: Meter ID:
Transponder #: Seq: Dials:
105 N. 4
Street, Gunter, TX 75058
Ph: 903-433-5185 Fax: 903-433-8039 Email: utilityclerk@ci.gunter.tx.us
Applicant Name:______________________________________ Date: ___________________
Property Address:_______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different from property address):________________________________________
Drivers License Number:___________________________ State:_______________________
Home Number:___________________ Cell Number:__________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________
Beginning Service Date: _____________________________
(NOTE: The base water and sewer charge cannot be pro-rated. You will be charged the entire monthly base charge regardless of
the date of the month you select as the Beginning Service Date.)
Property Management Company/Contact: ____________________________________________
Owner’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________
FEE OUTLINE In Town The Woods The Bridges
Residential Water Deposit…………………………. $125.00 125.00 125.00
Residential Water Connection……………………… $1000.00 1500.00 900.00
Residential Sewer Connection……………………… $750.00
Commercial Water Deposit…………………………. $200.00
Commercial Water Connection…………………….. $1000.00
Commercial Water w/ Sewer Connection…………… $2000.00
Amount Paid: ____________ Check No.: _______________ Date: ________________
*Water service will not commence until all forms are signed and deposit paid.
**Someone must be present at the location in which water service is being connected before the Water Dept. will be
able to activate the meter.
*** It is unlawful for anyone to connect, reconnect, or disconnect water at the meter at any time.
Service Agreement
Name_________________________________ Address____________________________________
I. PURPOSE: The City of Gunter is responsible for protecting the drinking water supply from
contamination or pollution, which could result from improper private water distribution system
construction or configuration. The purpose of this service agreement is to notify each customer of the
plumbing restrictions, which are in place to provide this protection. The utility enforces these
restrictions to ensure the public heath and welfare. Each customer must sign this agreement before the
City of Gunter will begin service. In addition, when service to an existing connection has been
suspended or terminated, the water system will not re-establish service unless it has a signed copy of
this agreement.
II. RESTRICTIONS: The following unacceptable practices are prohibited by State regulations.
A. No direct connection between the public drinking water supply and a potential source of
contamination is permitted. Potential sources of contamination shall be isolated from the public water
system by an air-gap or an appropriate backflow prevention device. No cross-connection between the
public drinking water supply and a private water system is permitted. These potential threats to the
public drinking water supply shall be eliminated at the service connection by the installation of an air-
gap or a reduced pressure-zone backflow prevention device.
B. No connection which allows water to be returned to the public drinking water supply is permitted.
C. No pipe or pipe fitting which contains more than 8.0% of lead may be used for the installation or
repair of plumbing at any connection which provides water for human use.
D. No solder or flux which contains more than 0.2% lead can be used for the installation or repair of
plumbing at any connection which provides water for human use.
III. SERVICE AGREEMENT: The following are the terms of the service agreement between the City
of Gunter and Customer.
A. The Water System will maintain a copy of this agreement as long as the customer and /or the premises
are connected to the Water System.
B. The customer shall allow his property to be inspected for possible cross-connections and other
potential contamination hazards. The inspections shall be conducted by the water system or its
designated agent prior to initiating new water service; when there is reason to believe that cross-
connections or other potential contamination hazards exist; or after any major changes to the water
distribution. The inspections shall be conducted during the Water System’s normal business hours.
C. The Water System shall notify the customer in writing of any cross-connection or other potential
contamination hazard which has been identified during the initial inspection or the periodic re-
D. The customer shall immediately remove or adequately isolate any potential cross-connections or other
potential contamination hazards on his premises.
E. The customer shall, at his expense, properly install, test, and maintain any backflow prevention device
required by the Water System. Copies of all testing and maintenance records shall be provided to the
Water System.
F. Monthly base charges CANNOT be prorated. A full monthly base charge will be owed for any partial
months regardless of the beginning service and ending service dates of the month you select.
IV. ENFORCEMENT. If the customer fails to comply with the terms of the Service Agreement, the Water
System shall, at its option, terminate service or properly install, test, and maintain an appropriate
backflow prevention device at the service connection. Any expenses associated with the enforcement
of this agreement shall be bill to the customer.
CUSTOMER SIGNATURE:________________________________________
DATE: _________________________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Request for Confidentiality of Personal Information Maintained by
the City of Gunter Utilities Department
Personal information in your City of Gunter Utilities Department customer account records (e.g.,
your address and telephone number) is generally considered public information under the Texas
Government Code, Chapter 552 (Public Information Act). The social security number of a living
person is confidential and may not be released in most cases.
The Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 182 (Rights of Utilities Customers), provides that a
government-operated utility may not disclose personal information if the customer requests that
the government-operated utility keep the personal information confidential.
A request for confidentiality under Chapter 182 does not prohibit a government-operated utility
from disclosing personal information in a customer's account record to: (1) an official or
employee of the state, a political subdivision of the state, or the United States acting in an official
capacity; (2) an employee of a utility acting in connection with the employee's duties; (3) a
consumer reporting agency; (4) a contractor or subcontractor approved by and providing services
to the utility, the state, a political subdivision of the state, or the United States; (5) a person for
whom the customer has contractually waived confidentiality for personal information; or (6)
another entity that provides water, wastewater, sewer, gas, garbage, electricity, or drainage
service for compensation. A customer may rescind a request for confidentiality by providing the
government-operated utility written permission to disclose personal information. A government-
operated utility or an officer or employee of a government-operated utility is immune from civil
liability for a violation of Texas Utilities Code, Subchapter B.
This form enables you to request confidentiality of your personal information under Texas
Utilities Code, Chapter 182. If you wish to request confidentiality of your personal information,
please check the box below and return this form with your payment (or in the separate envelope
provided for that purpose).
I request that my personal information maintained by the City of Gunter Utilities Department be
kept confidential under Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 182.
Print Name: ________________________ Signature: __________________________
Account Address: _________________________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
City of Gunter Water, Sewer, and Trash Rates
Meter Size Residential Commercial
Base $25.00 Base $36.00 3/4" $25.00 $38.00
Volume Gal 1000 Volume Gal 1000 1" $49.00 $49.00
Volume Charge 1001-3000 $3.32 Volume Charge 1001-3000 $4.98 1 1/2" $72.00 $72.00
3001-6000 $3.92 3001-6000 $5.88 2" $100.00 $100.00
6001-9000 $4.26 6001-9000 $6.39 3" $200.00 $200.00
9001-12000 $5.61 9001-12000 $7.92 4" $400.00 $400.00
12001-15000 $5.97 12001-15000 $8.46 6" $600.00 $600.00
15001-up $7.34 15001-up $10.01
New Water Service Connection w/ Sewer $1,750.00 New Water Service Conn w/ Sewer $1,750.00
Construction Rates
New Water Service Connection w/o Sewer $1,000.00 New Water Service Conn w/o Sewer $1,000.00 Deposit $600.00
New Water Srvc @ The Woods per Agreement
$1,500.00 Water Deposit $125.00 Charge per 1k gal $6.00
New Water Srvc @ The Bridges per Agreement
$1,800.00 Disconnect & Reconnect Fee 25.00 & 25.00 Flat Use Fee $300.00
Water Deposit $125.00 After Hours Reconnect $50.00
Disconnect & Reconnect Fee 25.00 & 25.00 Impact Fees None
After Hours Reconnect $50.00 Trash Rates
Impact Fees None Trash/Recycling
Base $38.00 Tax $1.71
Volume Gal 1000 Addtl bin
Base $38.00 Volume Charge 1001-3000 $5.97
Volume Gal 1000 3001-6000 $6.87
Volume Charge 1001-3000 $3.98 6001-9000 $7.38
3001-6000 $4.58 9001-12000 $8.91
6001-9000 $4.92 12001-15000 $9.45
9001-12000 $6.27 15001-up $11.00
12001-15000 $6.63 New Water Service Conn w/ Sewer $2,000.00
15001-up $8.00 New Water Service Conn w/o Sewer $1,000.00
New Water Service Conn w/ Sewer $2,000.00 Water Deposit $200.00
New Water Service Conn w/o Sewer $1,000.00 Disconnect & Reconnect Fee 25.00 & 25.00
Water Deposit $200.00 After Hours Reconnect $50.00
Disconnect & Reconnect Fee 25.00 & 25.00 Impact Fees None
After Hours Reconnect $50.00
Impact Fees None
Base $22.50
Volume Gal 1000
Base $22.50 Volume Charge 1000-up $3.88
Volume Gal 1000
Volume Charge 1000-up $3.88
Updated 9/20/19
Residential Water Rates Inside City Limits
Commercial Water Rates Inside City Limits
Residential Sewer Rates
Based on actual monthly consumption, maximum of 20,000 gal/month
©2019 Republic Services, Inc.
Residential Service Schedule
Every Monday - Recycling service
Every Tuesday - Solid Waste service
First Saturday of the month - Bulk and yard waste service
(3 yards - the size of a truck bed)
Place containers and waste curbside by 7 a.m. on your
scheduled service days.
No Waste Collection on These Holidays
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
City of Gunter, Texas
Recycling and Waste Information
Republic Services
is pleased to provide the residents of Gunter with recycling and waste removal services.
Please see below for important information about your services.
Customer Service Number: 972.316.0789
Republic Services remains committed to responsible environmental sustainability through recycling. Every ton of
recyclables diverted from our landlls ensures long-term viability of resources and long-term environmental and
economic benets. Only place the following items in your recycling container:
Please make sure your recyclables
are empty, clean and dry before
placing them in your recycling
For more information, visit RecyclingSimpled.com
If your recycling and waste day falls on a holiday,
collection will be delayed one day the rest of the week.