Published: 11/2017, CN: 12208 (Attachment 1607E WOS Instructions)
Warrant to Satisfy Judgment Child Support
Frequently Asked Questions and Instructions
What is a Warrant to
Satisfy Judgment?
A Warrant to Satisfy Judgment, also known as a Warrant of Satisfaction of Judgment,
(“WOS”) is a legal document that, when properly filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court
(“Clerk”), will close the judgment on the Superior Court Civil Judgment and Order Docket.
The filed WOS serves as proof that the judgment has been fully satisfied and is no longer a
lien on the debtor’s property.
Who should use
this document?
This document should be used for the satisfaction of a judgment connected to a child support
case either closed or currently monitored by Probation. It is the responsibility of the party
seeking a WOS to complete this document, obtain all required signatures and pay all filing
fees. If the child support judgment amount has been paid in full or otherwise satisfied, any
interested party may complete this document, but only the judgment creditor, or the legal
representative of the judgment creditor, is authorized to sign the WOS. The debtor does not
sign the document. The signature of the judgment creditor, or the legal representative, must be
witnessed by a notary public or attorney-at-law.
Creditor: The party in whose favor the child support judgment was entered. The creditor is
also known as the plaintiff or obligee. The creditor signs the WOS.
Debtor: The person against whom the child support judgment was entered. The debtor is also
known as the defendant or obligor. The debtor does not sign the WOS.
WOS Instructions
The party in whose favor the child support judgment was entered.
The person against whom the child support judgment was entered.
County where the judgment was entered.
Enter the Family Court Docket number (F#).
Enter the Child Support Case number (CS#).
Judgment Number
Judgment Date
Judgment Amount
Enter the Judgment number (J#), date and amount.
Judgment information is available on the Judiciary website at www.njcourts.gov. Select
Judgment Lien Search, listed under Public/Media, Find a Case.
Judgment Creditor or
Attorney for Judgment
Signature of the judgment creditor or attorney for judgment creditor.
Signature of Notary Public or Attorney at Law of your own choosing. If you prefer, you also
may contact a local Probation Child Support office for WOS notary services.
Do not write in this section of the Warrant.
Submit the Form
to Probation
After completing the WOS, the requesting party should mail the original document, cover
letter and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Vicinage Probation Office which
monitored or is monitoring the child support case. The list of Probation offices can be found
on the Judiciary website at: http://www.njcourts.gov/courts/probation/childsupport.html#csb.
Walk-in requests will also be accepted. The Vicinage Chief Probation Officer will review the
WOS, and if appropriate, sign and return the document to the requesting party within 5
business days.
After receiving the signed WOS from Probation, the requesting party is responsible for filing
the document with the Clerk of the Superior Court, together with any required filing fees. The
completed WOS and filing fee should be submitted to: Clerk of the Superior Court Clerk,
P.O. Box 971, 25 Market Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625. For further information
regarding the filing of a WOS, the Clerk’s telephone number is 609-421-6100.
If you do not have all the information required to complete the WOS, you may call the New
Jersey Family Support Services Center at 877-655-4371 for assistance.