Walker registration form
Post code:
How your information is used:
Please provide the following information:
Welcome! The Ramblers Walking for Health programme is a national
network of short group health walks that are delivered by local schemes.
The Ramblers run this centrally through their dedicated Walking for Health team - providing advice, support and
infrastructure, including a central database. When you register to take part in the the Ramblers Walking for Health
programme, the Ramblers and your local scheme use your personal information for administrative purposes to
support your participation. Your information is therefore shared by the Ramblers and your local scheme.
Your local scheme is:
The organisation that runs your local scheme is:
For full information about how your local scheme use your
information please read their privacy policy:
Supported through funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery and Macmillan
The Ramblers: walkingforhealth@ramblers.org.uk
020 7339 8541
For full information about how the Ramblers use your
information please read our privacy policy:
Your local scheme:
Walk name: Date:
Health survey: As part of registration, we would like to ask that you
complete an anonymous health survey. This information will be used for
monitoring and reporting purposes.
Are you happy to receive a health survey by email?
The Ramblers: We would like to contact you to tell you more about our
work – including campaigns, fundraising and volunteering.
Are you happy to receive emails from the Ramblers?
Your local scheme will use your information to evaluate their sessions and
show funders that they offer value for money. Summary information will
also be used by your scheme and the organisation that runs it, to further its
work on safeguarding and promoting the use of physical activity to improve
the health of your community.
Are you happy for your local scheme to use your information in this way
and contact you by email?
Please tick here to conrm you understand you take part
at your own risk and will seek medical advice if appropriate:
You have the right to change your mind about any of the things you have consented to on this form. If you wish to change any
of your consents please contact us:
Horsham District Council Health Walks Scheme
Horsham District Council Health Walks Scheme
Horsham District Council
Health Walks Scheme