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Under s88 of the Resource Management Act 1991
Applicant Details
Postal Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Contact Details for Agent (if different to that of the applicant)
Postal Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Location of the Activity
NB: A full site plan (to scale) is required as part of this application.
Street Address
Legal Description
Valuation Number (if known)
Written Consent of Affected Parties
Gained and Attached
Not Gained
Certificate of Title
CT Attached
Council to provide CT ($20 inc GST)
Signature To be signed by the applicant or agent
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Brief description of the Proposed Activity (Attach extra pages if required)
All applications must give a general description of the activity the consent is being applied for
example; a site description, existing and proposed activities buildings and structures, a description of
any existing flora or fauna, parking access and loading information, provisions of services, any known
sites of heritage or hazard prone areas and any easements.
Discussion of the actual and potential effects the activity may have on the
environment (Attach extra pages if required)
Methods for avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects (Attach extra
pages if required)
A description of any alternative methods that may have been considered (Attach
extra pages if required)
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Checklist of Information to be Provided with this Application
A copy of a current certificate of title (less than 3 months old) or a copy of a purchase
agreement where the CT has not yet been issued
Application fee (see attached fee schedule)
An assessment of Environmental Effects which must include:
1. Brief Description of the Proposed Activity
2. Discussion of the actual and potential effects the activity may have on the
3. Methods for avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects
4. A description of any alternative methods that may have been considered
5. Identification of people affected by the proposal (if any)
A fully dimensioned or to scale site plan showing:
1. Road name, street number and north point
2. The location of all existing and proposed structures elevations of each proposed
building will also be required
3. The position of all new boundaries
4. Numbers, areas and dimension of proposed allotments (for subdivision)
5. Proposed easements
6. Vehicle parking, access and loading areas
7. Existing and proposed landscaping
8. Existing services (water, sewer, stormwater, power, telephone)
If proposal involves the relocation of a building the following is required:
1. Design and external appearance of the structure will be required
2. Builders report on the condition of the building
If the proposal involves sites of historic value the following is required:
1. Effect of the proposal on the protection of the value, integrity and character of the
historic site
2. The degree of modification or disturbance resulting from the proposal on the historic
3. A statement of actual and potential effects of the proposal on heritage values and
where possible how these can be mitigated
If the proposal involves a natural hazard area (eg. Flood or a Faultline) the following is
1. Building plans and elevations
2. The location of all buildings and sealed surfaces within the site
3. The effect on the building from the natural hazard area
4. Proposed methods associated with the proposal to avoid or mitigate any adverse
effects of the natural hazard
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5. The effect of the natural hazard on the health and safety of occupants and users of
the site and the general public
6. As assessment of site stability and the resulting effect on the proposal from the
natural hazard
If the proposal involves hazardous substances and facilities the following is required:
1. A description of the nature and scale of the proposed hazardous facility
2. An inventory, including quantities, of all hazardous substances proposed to be stored
and/or used on the site
Important notes for the Applicant
1. Please ensure your applicant is complete. If information is omitted Council will return the
application to you within 5 working days under s88(3) of the RMA.
2. The required application fee must be paid before processing will start. If the application
requires notification, the applicable notification fee must be paid prior to notification.
3. If the resource consent is granted, the applicant is legally required to comply with any
conditions of the consent once they commence the activity.
4. Any building work associated with the proposed activity should not commence until a
building consent has been obtained under the Building Act 2004.
5. When this application is lodged with Council it becomes public information and is available
for public inspection. If there is commercially sensitive information in the proposal, please
let us know at the time of lodgment.
Contact Details
Masterton District Council
64 Chapel Street
PO Box 444
Tel: (06) 370-6300
Fax: (06) 378-8400
Email: mdc@mstn.govt.nz
Carterton District Council
Holloway Street
PO Box 9
Tel: (06) 379-4030
Fax: (06) 379-7832
Email: info@cdc.govt.nz
South Wairarapa District
19 Kitchener Street
PO Box 6
Tel: (06) 306-9611
Fax: (06) 306-9371
Email: enquiries@swdc.govt.nz