We welcome your questions – please call X2229 or email Brenda Floyd floydb@winthrop.edu or Robin Embry embryr@winthrop.edu.
Winthrop University Foundation
WUF-L Alternate Signature Authority Designation
Return to: WUF Finance Office, 302 Tillman Hall
(Please print or type)
to sign Disbursement Requests (WUF-D) on my behalf.
Foundation policy allows a Vice President, Dean, or Director to designate more than one person to sign
Disbursement Requests (WUF-D) for him/her in the role of Vice President, Dean, or Director. This designee's
nature must be on file at the Foundation. The designee can not sign as both Fund Administrator and as
Dean or Director.
I, ____________________________________________, as Vice President, Dean, or Director of
____________________________________, do hereby designate either:
In executing this document, the signers acknowledge their responsibility for reviewing all Disbursement Requests
F-D) for their unit and for determining the appropriateness thereof, and that the Dean, Director or Vice
President retains responsibility for the actions of the designee(s).
Note: This form should be signed and submitted every time there is a change. All appropriate and current
signatures must appear on the form at the time of each submission. This form will supercede all forms previously
Signature of VP, Dean, or Director:
Signature of Designee (1):
Signature of Designee (2):
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit