Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development
The ‘Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development’ Consultation Document is
available on the Shropshire Council website at: http://new.shropshire.gov.uk/get-
The Consultation runs from Friday 27th October 2017 to Friday 22nd December 2017.
This questionnaire has been provided to allow comment on the ‘Preferred Scale and Distribution
of Development’ Consultation.
We advise you read through all the information provided in support of this consultation prior to
starting your response. We would also suggest that you have a copy of the ‘Preferred Scale and
Distribution of Development’ Consultation Document available to refer to as you work through
the questions.
Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be
subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with the access to information legislation
(primarily the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004).
Once completed, this questionnaire can be submitted by:
• Email to: planningpolicy@shropshire.gov.uk
If submitting your own response, please enter your last name in the subject field;
If submitting a response on behalf of a client, please enter their last name in the subject field.
• Post to: Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Abbey
Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND
Shropshire Local Plan Review - Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development
1. Please provide the following information about yourself:
Please note: we cannot accept anonymous responses.
Company Name (if relevant):
2. If you are responding on behalf of a client, please provide the following information:
Welshampton and Lyneal Parish Council
Orchard Cottage, Rowe Lane,
Welshampton, Ellesmere