Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Date you entered Bennington: ___________________Current Term: _________________________
Faculty Advisor: _____________________________________________________________________
Campus house/address: _______________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________State: __________ Zip: ______________________
Phone #: __________________________________Email: ____________________________________
Withdrawal effective:
Check one: □ Fall □ Spring Year _________
Check one: □ end-of-term withdrawal □ mid-term withdrawal
If a mid-term withdrawal, date of last class attended: _____________________________________
If you are withdrawing during FWT, do you plan to complete your FWT? □ Yes □ No
Please summarize your reasons for withdrawing:
When you were choosing colleges, was Bennington your first choice? □ Yes □ No
Please comment briefly on your experience as an advisee at Bennington:
Please mark below the importance of the following factors in your decision to leave:
My experience of Bennington’s academic programs
□ Major reason □ Minor reason □ Not a reason
If you checked major or minor reason, please comment.
Quality of my academic performance
□ Major reason □ Minor reason □ Not a reason
If you checked major or minor reason, please comment.
Bennington College | Office of the Provost and Dean | One College Drive, Bennington, Vermont 05201-6003 | 802-440-4400