PHONE (931)-836-3216 FAX (931)-836-3343
RFP Package
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste
Cardboard Recycling
RFP Opening:
January 14, 2021
2:00pm Central Time
RFP Opening Location:
White County Department of Finance
1 East Bockman Way, Room 204
Sparta, Tennessee 38583
Posted for public inspection at
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 2 of 13
Table of Contents
I. Purpose and Overview ............................................................................................................................ 3
A. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 3
B. Project Description ............................................................................................................................. 3
C. Population and Collection Statistics ................................................................................................... 3
D. General Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 3
E. Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 3
F. Contract Term .................................................................................................................................... 4
G. Contract Modifications ....................................................................................................................... 5
H. Method of Source Selection ............................................................................................................... 5
I. RFP Timetable .................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Instructions for Request for Proposal Responses .................................................................................... 6
A. Compliance with RFP ........................................................................................................................ 6
B. Delivery of RFP Response ................................................................................................................. 6
III. General Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................................... 7
A. Bid Document .................................................................................................................................... 7
B. Electronic Transmissions ................................................................................................................... 7
C. Bid Bond ............................................................................................................................................ 7
D. Performance Bond .............................................................................................................................. 7
E. Payment Bond .................................................................................................................................... 7
F. Disclosures by Bidders ....................................................................................................................... 7
G. Laws and Regulations ........................................................................................................................ 7
H. Sub-contracts ...................................................................................................................................... 8
I. Award of Contract .............................................................................................................................. 8
J. Retainage ............................................................................................................................................ 8
K. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ............................................................................................. 8
L. Warranty ............................................................................................................................................. 8
M. Payments ............................................................................................................................................ 8
N. Errors in Bids ..................................................................................................................................... 8
O. Taxes .................................................................................................................................................. 9
P. Tie Bids .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Q. Background Checks and Dress Code.................................................................................................. 9
R. Specification Details........................................................................................................................... 9
IV. Advertisement for RFP ......................................................................................................................... 10
V. RFP Response Form ............................................................................................................................. 11
VI. Exception Form .................................................................................................................................... 12
VII. References Form ................................................................................................................................... 13
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 3 of 13
I. Purpose and Overview
A. Purpose
The White County Department of Finance, on behalf of the White County Solid Waste
Department, is soliciting proposals for the purchase and recycling of cardboard waste.
B. Project Description
The objective of this request for proposals is to secure a contract for the recycling of
cardboard collected by the White County Solid Waste Department. The Solid Waste
Department operates a Class I landfill, located at 6010 Gum Springs Mountain Road in
Sparta, along with eleven convenience centers located throughout the county as well as a
City of Sparta collection site.
C. Population and Collection Statistics
White County, Tennessee has an estimated population of 27,107 and is comprised of the
City of Sparta, which serves as the county seat, and the Town of Doyle.
On average, the county collects 260 tons of recyclable cardboard per calendar year.
D. General Requirements
1. Organization, Purpose, & Experience
a) The proposing firm must be organized and existing for the primary purpose of
providing recycling and landfill diversion services.
b) The proposing firm must have a minimum of five (5) continuous years of
corporate experience in providing recycling and landfill diversion services.
c) While not required, preference may be given to companies with experience
working with municipal solid waste systems, specifically within the State of
2. Credentials and Ability
a) The proposing firm must demonstrate its ability to provide recycling and landfill
division services to a solid waste system similar in size and complexity to White
b) The proposing firm must carry liability insurance of an amount not less
$1,000,000. A certificate of insurance naming White County as an additional
insured must be submitted prior to execution of any contract. A sample certificate
showing actual coverage limits should be submitted with the proposal.
E. Specifications
Please provide detailed information in response to the following answers or requests as
part of your response to this RFP.
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 4 of 13
1. Pricing
a) Please detail the pricing structure proposed for cardboard received from our
facility. Note that pricing must be tied to some form of industry standard
publication that is readily available to the general public.
b) Specify any “floor” or “ceiling” price which you may be proposing.
c) Provide details on any additional charges, surcharges, tax, or fees which may be
2. Transportation
a) The selected proposer will be required to transport the cardboard from the White
County Landfill, located at 6010 Gum Springs Mountain Road in Sparta to the
processing facility.
b) Specify how the transporting trailer will be loaded and secured for transportation
to the facility. Will the proposing company provide assistance with loading the
3. Cardboard Bailer
If the proposing firm will provide for bailer as part of the agreement, please provide
the following information.
a) Provide the brand, type, and size of the proposed bailer.
b) Detail how supplies need to operate the bailer, such as bailing wire, will be
handled and if this will be charged to the county.
c) Specify how maintenance and repairs will be addressed for any proposed bailer.
Specifically, who will be responsible for maintenance and repairs, and how
quickly will someone be dispatched to provide any needed services.
d) Provide requirements for insurance coverage on the proposed equipment.
e) Detail what type of facility or environment will be required in which to operate
the equipment, including who will be responsible for making any needed
improvements to house and operate the equipment on county property.
F. Contract Term
1. Initial Term
It is the intent of White County to award a cardboard recycling contract for a three-
year term.
2. Extensions
At the end of the initial term, White County will agree to automatic one-year
extensions of the contract, provided such extensions are in the best interest of White
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 5 of 13
3. Termination
The contract awarded as a result of this RFP may be terminated at any time, without
cause, by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party.
In the event of termination, the cost of returning any equipment or supplies shall be
borne by the terminating party.
G. Contract Modifications
The contract awarded as a result of this RFP may be modified during the initial term or any
extension thereof, upon mutual agreement by both parties. Such reason for modification
may include, but is not limited to, extending the contract to cover other recyclable materials
besides cardboard.
H. Method of Source Selection
White County will score responses to this RFP based on the below matrix.
Criteria Possible Points
Pricing 30
Equipment provided 20
Experience, qualifications, and ability 20
Transportation 10
References 10
Quality for response to RFP 10
The responder with the highest points after applying this matrix will be awarded the
contract for this project. White County reserves the right to request additional
information or clarification from Proposers in order to correctly score the RFPs.
I. RFP Timetable
Issue Request for Proposals December 17, 2020
Deadline for Written Questions January 5, 2021 @ 2PM
Amendment(s) Issued January 7, 2021
Proposals Due January 14, 2021 @ 2PM
Notification of Selected Proposer January 31, 2021
All times listed are Central Time.
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 6 of 13
II. Instructions for Request for Proposal Responses
A. Compliance with RFP
Submissions must be in strict compliance with this Request for Proposals. Failure to
comply with all provisions of the RFP may result in disqualification.
Requests for additional information or clarifications by potential Proposers must be made
in writing. Proposers should email requests for additional information or clarifications.
Requests for additional information or clarifications shall be sent to:
Chad S. Marcum
Director of Finance
White County, Tennessee
Prior to the due date, responses to inquiries and all RFP amendments White County deemed
necessary will be issued and published on the solicitation web page. Proposers should not
rely on any representations, statements, or explanations other than those made in any
written addendum to this RFP. Where there appears to be a conflict between the RFP and
any addenda issued, the last addendum issued shall prevail.
Addenda will be made available on the solicitation web page and it is solely the Proposer’s
responsibility to assure receipt of all addenda.
Solicitation Web Page is: www.whitecountytn.gov/bids
B. Delivery of RFP Response
Submissions will be accepted by the White County Department of Finance no later than
2:00 p.m. January 14, 2021 (local time).
All documents shall be submitted to the following:
Chad S. Marcum
Director of Finance
White County Department of Finance
1 East Bockman Way, Room 204
Sparta, Tennessee 38583
All submissions must be written, sealed, and labeled as a response to this RFP. Submission by
electronic means will not be accepted.
Proposers shall submit one (1) Original RFP response and one (1) Electronic version on USB
Drive or CD.
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 7 of 13
III. General Terms and Conditions
A. Bid Document
For certain projects White County will supply a bid form to be completed by the bidder.
When such forms are issued, only bids returned with the proper forms will be accepted.
Envelopes must be sealed and marked as a bid document. Any bid may be withdrawn prior
to the day, date and time as set forth in the “bid invitation”. On construction related bids,
the envelope must contain the following information visible from the outside: TN License
number, expiration date, classifications and limitations.
B. Electronic Transmissions
Electronic transmissions will not be accepted, except when in the course of the bidding
process addendums or other notifications of errors on behalf of the owner places an undue
hardship upon prospective bidders. Written notification by the owner must precede the
acceptance of facsimile or email transmissions.
C. Bid Bond
For construction related bids, in excess of $100,000 dollars, White County requires a bid
bond equal to five percent of the total price of the bid. Contracts for the services of a
construction manager shall require a bid bond in the amount of ten percent. White County
may request bonds on other services or waive such bond requirements, as determined by
the Director of Finance.
D. Performance Bond
For construction related bids, in excess of $100,000 dollars, the White County requires a
performance bond equal to one hundred percent of the contract price. White County may
request bonds on other services, as determined by the Director of Finance.
E. Payment Bond
For construction related bids, in excess of $100,000 dollars, White County requires a
payment bond equal to one hundred percent of the contract price except as stipulated under
T.C.A. §12-4-201. White County may request bonds for other services as determined by
the Director of Finance.
F. Disclosures by Bidders
For construction bids in excess of $25,000 interested bidders must include the following
information on the outside of the envelope containing the bid document: Name, License
number, Expiration date thereof, and license classification of the contractors applying to
bid as stated in T.C.A. §62- 6-119. For construction bids less than $25,000, the name only
is required. White County maintains a drug- free workplace and requires all bidders for
construction contracts to comply with T.C.A. §50-9-114.
G. Laws and Regulations
The bidder’s attention is directed to the fact that all applicable state laws, municipal
ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over
construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout, and they will be deemed
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 8 of 13
to be included in the contract the same as though herein written out in full. Bidders may
be required to provide proof of valid business license and Workers Compensation
Insurance if required by law.
H. Sub-contracts
The Bidder is specifically advised that any person, firm, or other party to whom it is
proposed to award a sub-contract under this contract must be acceptable to White County.
I. Award of Contract
White County further reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and
all informalities and to negotiate contract terms with the successful proposer, and the right
to disregard all non-conforming, non-responsive or conditional proposals. White County
may conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any
proposal to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and financial ability of the proposer,
proposed sub-contractors and other persons and organizations to perform the work in
accordance with the contract documents to the bidder who does not pass any such
evaluation to the owner’s satisfaction. The contract shall be awarded to the proposer who
has the highest overall score as per the specified matrix. White County does not enter into
contracts which provide for mediation or arbitration.
J. Retainage
White County will retain five percent (5%) of funds on construction contracts over
$500,000 dollars as per T.C.A. §66-34-104. White County may require the withholding of
retainage on other contracts as deemed appropriate by the Director of Finance.
K. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
All interested parties, without regard of race, color or national origin, shall be afforded the
opportunity to bid and shall receive equal consideration. Title VI states “No person in the
United States shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
program activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” White County strives to protect
individuals’ civil rights through active compliance with the requirements of Title VI.
L. Warranty
The vendor shall provide warranty information on the equipment, components, and items
bid with the bid submittal.
M. Payments
Invoices or Applications of Payment that are submitted by the awarded bidder are required
to provide accurate and current addresses. Payment terms shall be specified in the bid
response, including any discounts for early payment. The Finance Department of White
County discourages the practice of picking up checks in person, unless there is an
emergency situation.
N. Errors in Bids
When an error is made in extending total prices, the unit bid price will govern. Carelessness
in quoting prices or in preparation of bid otherwise, will not relieve the bidder. Erasures
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 9 of 13
or changes to bids must be initialed. Any alteration, erasure, addition to or omission of
required information, change of the specifications or bidding schedule, is made at the risk
of the bidder.
O. Taxes
White County is tax exempt except where T.C.A. §67-6-209 shall be applicable.
P. Tie Bids
If two or more bidders submit identical bids and are equally qualified; selection shall be
made at the discretion of the county based upon performance.
Q. Background Checks and Dress Code
For school related projects, White County reserves the right to require background checks,
dress codes, and certain ethical standards of all employees on school property. At the
discretion of the Director of Finance, this requirement may be extended to other non-school
R. Specification Details
These specifications have been designed to meet a certain level of quality as well as to
standardize certain components. In numerous places reference to specific brands of
components may have been made. This has been done to establish a certain level of quality
and in no way is an attempt to write out venders of similar or equal equipment components.
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 10 of 13
IV. Advertisement for RFP
White County, Tennessee
Request for Proposals
RFP No. 2021-0114-01-001
Take notice that the Director of Finance for White County shall accept sealed written proposals for the
purchasing and recycling for cardboard waste.
Proposals, bids, or responses must be submitted to the office of the Director of Finance, Room 204,
White County Courthouse, Sparta, Tennessee, 38583, no later than 2:00 P.M. central time, January 14,
2021 at which time the proposals will be opened and considered.
Copies of RFP documents may be obtained at whitecountytn.gov/bids
The owner (White County) further reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and
all informalities and to negotiate contract terms with the successful proposer, and the right to disregard
all non-conforming, non-responsive, or conditional proposals.
Chad S. Marcum
Director of Finance
Publication Date: 12/17/2020
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 11 of 13
V. RFP Response Form
Project: Cardboard Recycling White County Solid Waste
Bid Date: January 14, 2021; 2:00p.m. Central Time
Company Name: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________
Contact: _____________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________
Please include this page with the following items in your response:
1) At least three (3) references using the included Reference Form. If possible,
please include references from governmental entities with which your firm
2) Exception form (if necessary)
By signing below, I affirm that I am a duly appointed and authorized representative of the
company named herein. Furthermore, acting on behalf the named company I acknowledge
that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all terms and conditions as outlined in this
request for proposal unless otherwise properly and specifically noted.
Signature: ___________________________________
Title: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 12 of 13
VI. Exception Form
Proposer has agreed to abide by all terms and conditions of this RFP, except for specific
exceptions as noted below. If taking exception, please note the page and section number
where exception is taken.
Use Additional Pages as Needed
Request for Proposals
RFP Number: 2021-0114-01-001
White County Solid Waste Cardboard Recycling
White County, Tennessee Page 13 of 13
VII. References Form
Please provide reference information for at least three (3) organizations your firm currently
services, which mirror the size and complexity of the White County.
Reference #1
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Contact Name and Title: ___________________________________________________
Contact Phone: __________________________________________________________
Contact Email: __________________________________________________________
Number of years under contract with this organization: __________
Reference #2
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Contact Name and Title: ___________________________________________________
Contact Phone: __________________________________________________________
Contact Email: __________________________________________________________
Number of years under contract with this organization: __________
Reference #3
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Contact Name and Title: ___________________________________________________
Contact Phone: __________________________________________________________
Contact Email: __________________________________________________________
Number of years under contract with this organization: __________